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Dev Blog 2/16/2020 - Beta 6.1 Wrapup


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Good afternoon, sorry for the worst English (it's the google translator hahaha) ... I would like to take a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade my project from version 6.1 (229) to 6.1 (234). I did a replacement of the downloaded files or "upgrade.zip" and displayed the update on the Server and the theory worked, but some EVENTS created update updates that worked correctly stopped working! Example of a simple button to open a door no longer opens a door! : / (luckily I saved the project before) ... could someone make me a guide?

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39 minutes ago, felipesmoke94 said:

Good afternoon, sorry for the worst English (it's the google translator hahaha) ... I would like to take a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade my project from version 6.1 (229) to 6.1 (234). I did a replacement of the downloaded files or "upgrade.zip" and displayed the update on the Server and the theory worked, but some EVENTS created update updates that worked correctly stopped working! Example of a simple button to open a door no longer opens a door! : / (luckily I saved the project before) ... could someone make me a guide?

gonna try to explain it, correct me if I'm wrong


lets say u had an event with these conditions:

The event should trigger when, in this example, 'justtaunted' is true



The actual event:


Before, this event would set the variable to false and still start the event 'restorewarriormana', even though you just set the condition to false


now you have to start the event before changing the variable, else it won't trigger anymore:



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1 hour ago, felipesmoke94 said:

I would like to take a step-by-step guide on how to upgrade my project from version 6.1 (229) to 6.1 (234).


You just need to download the "patch.zip" and replace the files. 


6.1.229 to 6.1.xxx = patch.zip

6.0 to 6.1 = upgrade.zip

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1 hour ago, Justn said:


Você só precisa baixar o "patch.zip" e substituir os arquivos. 


6.1.229 a 6.1.xxx = patch.zip

6.0 a 6.1 = upgrade.zip

It actually makes sense for a "patch.zip" to be to add some packages and "upgrade.zip" to be for version changes hahahaha thanks, I'll try! I misinterpret a lot because everything I do with the graphics engine I have to translate on google and it doesn't translate completely correctly, with that some things get confused, but I manage as I can: D thanks for the help of everyone!


this explanation cleared my mind:
6.1.229 to 6.1.xxx = patch.zip
6.0 to 6.1 = upgrade.zip


2 hours ago, wishy said:

vou tentar explicar, me corrija se eu estiver errado


digamos que você teve um evento com estas condições:

O evento deve ser acionado quando, neste exemplo, 'justtaunted' for true



O evento real:


Antes, esse evento definiria a variável como false e ainda iniciaria o evento 'restorewarriormana', mesmo que você apenas defina a condição como false


agora você precisa iniciar o evento antes de alterar a variável, caso contrário não será mais acionado:




thanks skin helps too!


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hello, I'm here again says that it didn't work just to replace the files in my project's folder in 6.1 (229) with the files in the "patch.zip" folder in version 6.1 (234)! Everything worked correctly except the events that functioned as triggers / buttons that I used to open doors ... EVENT_X OPEN EVENT_Y (open door button) and I know this is not wrong because it works normally before updating the version! If you prefer I can try to record a clip showing what happened.

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6 hours ago, felipesmoke94 said:

hello, I'm here again says that it didn't work just to replace the files in my project's folder in 6.1 (229) with the files in the "patch.zip" folder in version 6.1 (234)! Everything worked correctly except the events that functioned as triggers / buttons that I used to open doors ... EVENT_X OPEN EVENT_Y (open door button) and I know this is not wrong because it works normally before updating the version! If you prefer I can try to record a clip showing what happened.


Seems like something is wrong in your event. Make a new post in the appropriate section with screenshots of your event and what's going wrong 

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I've been a long time follower of Intersect, I just have to really commend you all on such a fantastic job. I've seen the polished product develop over the course of years and its really a great achievement! Thank you for bringing such a wonderful software solution to the community. There are a lot of creative people that could use this engine to share their stories and it's really remarkable the love and dedication the entire team has shown.


I'm finally in a position myself, where I can donate--and I am looking forward to the source release!

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