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  1. v0.8.0-beta.147 (Release Notes)   Downloads Linux (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Linux (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Linux (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) MacOS (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) MacOS (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) MacOS (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Windows (x64) - Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Windows (x64) - Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Windows (x64) - Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz)
  2. v0.7.2-beta.65 (Release Notes)   Downloads Full (includes the new engine binaries, and all stock assets) Upgrade (includes the new engine binaries, and the stock assets that have changed since the first nightly of the previous version) Patch (only includes the new engine binaries) Source (.zip) Source (.tar.gz)
  3. Build: (Change Log) Downloads: Intersect Engine Full Intersect Engine Upgrade Intersect Engine Patch Automatically built by Teamcity on Mar 21 2023 at 10:05 AM GMT.
  4. the title is self explicative what arquives i need to paste to 4.8.1? those with the blue icon on it? resources paste? or just the white files pdb and exe? without lost my maps and quests please someone?
  5. Bien le bonjour ! Je suis en train de faire un parc et je me demandais si ça pouvait vous plaire. ----- Je me suis basé là dessus
  6. Bien le bonjour ! Je posterais ici mes vidéos Tuto's d'Intersect Engine en français. Si vous avez des soucis, postez un commentaire. 1. Introduction & Installation. 2. Création d'une classe & d'une map/d'un terrain. 3. Création d'un ennemi/mob
  7. Hello guys, this is just something I have curiosity about. I literally have no idea about this and 'd like to listen to some opinions about this matter. Do you think it is needed to create an enterprise in order to get revenue from your game? Have you done it before? Every opinion about this is welcome.
  8. Hello guys, The script executes queries in sqlite database and exports the results in '.json' file format for use in website application like bootstrap source and any other ways. With this script you can export custom data and create systems, like ranking, user list, banned characters list and others functions. An easy way to integrate systems without having to write many lines of code to export this data and use in some way. You can use cron to run this script or even the windows task scheduler. I hope it helps someone. Screens: Python Version: 3.6.4 To run this script just install the libs and change the path of the database file. Script attached , feel free to use and modify. python-connector.py Update C# Version Result: Download C# project on link: https://mega.nz/#!X4MHQbBb!iU1FJ9ItdvE0D33q0vbjk49dmHQ-medZ9r44tVhKq_U @Khaikaa its that my friend, now I make peace with you kk.
  9. Here i'm again, this time i want to know how to change the keys, like the interaction key and etc. how i do this ?
  10. Hey ! I'm here asking a question : How to make a idle npc animations? you know.... like a woman washing her hands. And how to make a npc with constant animation, like a flying butterfly on the map?
  11. ATUALIZAÇÃO 19/07/2018 - Devido as nossas mĂ­dias sociais, grupo de whatsapp e site, o post estava bem desatualizado, e agora as informaçÔes adicionais serĂŁo adicionadas todas atravĂ©s do nosso site: http://www.projectasn.com De qualquer forma, informaçÔes de maior relevĂąncia serĂŁo postadas aqui tambĂ©m. Vejo vocĂȘs no mundo de ASN (: E aĂ­, pessoal, como Ă© que vocĂȘs estĂŁo ? Bom, vim aqui apresentar um projeto meu em coprodução com um amigo. Muitos anos atrĂĄs, começamos Ă  desenvolver um jogo desse mesmo estilo, mas por diversos fatores, infelizmente nĂŁo pudemos concluir o projeto. Agora, depois de um bom tempo, com uma bagagem melhor e muito mais ideias fervilhando na mente, resolvemos criar um novo projeto de jogo MMORPG 2D. O jogo estĂĄ em fase de desenvolvimento, e estamos preparando tudo para que uma versĂŁo alpha do gameplay possa ser lançada, contendo enredo, quests, cenĂĄrios diferentes e algumas coisas mais. Nosso foco Ă© criar um jogo divertido (inclusive, para nĂłs mesmos podermos jogar hahahaha) e ao mesmo tempo desafiador, dando um foco especial em gameplay cooperativo (como em outros RPG's, teremos cada classe com uma determinada função, healer, dps, tank, suporte e etc) e PVP. O jogo jĂĄ conta com: Enredo Crafting de Equipamentos Crafting de PoçÔes Classes Avançadas (onde cada classe principal terĂĄ uma ramificação especializada) Magias para jogar em grupo, como curar aliado, taunt, buffs e etc. Sistema de Transformação Sistema de Dia e Noite Itens com Atributos diferentes(cada item Ă© Ășnico, duas pessoas podem ter uma mesma espada, porĂ©m cada uma com atributos diferentes) Trilha Sonora Resolução de 800x600 Ă  1920x1080 Controles customizĂĄveis Hotkeys customizĂĄveis E muito mais. AlĂ©m disso, queremos manter uma linha mais sĂ©ria na parte da quest principal do jogo, que serĂĄ contada atravĂ©s de algumas missĂ”es e diĂĄlogos com vĂĄrios NPCS, de forma cativante e intrigante. Para dar um gostinho Ă  vocĂȘs: - PrĂłlogo - Depois de muito tempo em paz, ParĂ­ncia agora estĂĄ sofrendo de um mal indescritĂ­vel. Meses atrĂĄs um forasteiro viajante apareceu na vila, fez diversas perguntas estranhas para vĂĄrios moradores, passou algumas noites na hospedaria da Dona Rosa e simplesmente desapareceu, ninguĂ©m notou quando ele foi embora, vagueava pela vila e seus arredores de maneira sombria e misteriosa. Trajava sempre roupĂ”es encapuzados marrons, mal podĂ­amos ver seu rosto, mas sabemos de suas feiçÔes velhas e cansadas, porĂ©m parecia esconder muita sabedoria ou quem sabe poder. ApĂłs o sumiço do misterioso errante, coisas estranhas começaram a acontecer a nossa vila, criaturas estranhas estĂŁo sendo vistas no sopĂ© da montanha. Diversas vezes sentimos tremores esquisitos, algumas vezes as nuvens mudam de forma e aceleram seus movimentos, sem contar que tivemos alguns episĂłdios onde o dia virou noite e a noite virou dia, porĂ©m quando a noite virou dia, tudo ficou da cor violeta. O Padre Valiant, acredita que o errante que passou por nossa vila na verdade Ă© uma entidade malĂ©fica, que escolheu nossa pacĂ­fica regiĂŁo para motivos que ainda nĂŁo compreendemos. Valiant tambĂ©m nos informou que teve visĂ”es, coisas horrorosas estĂŁo por vir, por isso, nĂłs suplicamos que vocĂȘ, vocĂȘ jovem herĂłi, salve nossa vila, procure e desafia esse mal e marque seu nome para sempre na nossa histĂłria. Pedro Vagus - Prefeito de ParĂ­ncia. - CapĂ­tulo 1 - O Viajante Era uma tarde ensolarada na cidade de ParĂ­ncia, a rotina dos moradores do vilarejo continuava calma e agradĂĄvel, apesar dos Ășltimos acontecimentos naquela regiĂŁo. Alguns moradores nĂŁo conseguiam disfarçar o sentimento de preocupação de ameaça a suas vidas e as vidas de seus filhos, enquanto outros acreditavam que os vultos vistos nas montanhas, eram apenas animais selvagens caçando. Quanto aos tremores, qual lugar nĂŁo tem alguns? A terra estĂĄ em constante movimento, terremotos sĂŁo normais naquelas regiĂ”es montanhosas. A hospedaria da Dona Rosa era a Ășnica da cidade, pequena, mas aconchegante. Nesta mesma tarde, um novo viajante surgiu na porta de sua hospedaria, parecia um andarilho qualquer, roupas esfarrapadas e cara de quem nĂŁo come hĂĄ algum tempo, mas com um rosto agradĂĄvel. Eis que o viajante diz: - A senhora Ă© a Dona Rosa? Dona Rosa, de costas e cantando uma de suas cançÔes rotineiras enquanto varria seu local de trabalho, se vira para a porta lentamente, batendo a sujeira de seu avental e abrindo um sorriso simpĂĄtico, responde: - Boa tarde, meu filho! Sou eu mesma! Em que posso lhe ajudar? - A senhora pode me dizer algo sobre o errante misterioso que passou por aqui hĂĄ alguns dias? Sua feição mudou totalmente, sua preocupação ficou eminente em seu rosto. Um calafrio andou pelo seu corpo dos pĂ©s Ă  cabeça. Começando num tom mais baixo, como se nĂŁo quisesse que as paredes ouvissem, disse: - Meu filho, aquele homem tinha um aspecto sombrio, por onde passava causava arrepios nas pessoas, mas ao mesmo tempo parecia um senhor muito calmo e amigĂĄvel, ficou por uma semana aqui em minha hospedaria – parou e pensou mais um pouco. – Ele saĂ­a todos os dias pela manhĂŁ, pouco antes de raiar o dia, nem sequer provava do meu delicioso bolo de chocolate! Ele voltava todos os dias quase na mesma hora, prĂłximo ao entardecer, entrava no quarto e se trancava lĂĄ, nĂŁo fazia barulho algum, pareceu-me que dormia direto, e sĂł acordava para suas saĂ­das rotineiras. O viajante coçou um pouco a cabeça, como se jĂĄ esperasse por esse tipo de informação, sussurrando algo como “É, bem tĂ­pico de alguĂ©m escondendo algo...”. EntĂŁo perguntou mais uma vez: - Sabe algo mais sobre ele? Um nome? Ou pra onde foi? Dona Rosa pensou mais um pouco, tentando lembrar de algo, com muito esforço, pois eram tantos os viajantes que passavam por ali, que era difĂ­cil se lembrar detalhadamente de todos eles. - Ele me disse o nome umas duas vezes quando chegou, mas nĂŁo consegui compreender muito bem o que dizia, apenas me recordo de ter entendido algo como “Sou um mensageiro da paz”. E parecia mesmo ser um homem de paz! NĂŁo arrumou confusĂŁo, nem nada, apenas enchia os moradores de perguntas todos os dias e depois sumia vilarejo a fora. JĂĄ faz algumas semanas que ele saiu como de costume pela manhĂŁ, deixou um dinheiro em meu balcĂŁo, e foi embora, e ninguĂ©m mais o viu. - Entendo. Muito obrigado pelas informaçÔes. E se nĂŁo se importa – deu uma cheirada no ar, como se tivesse sentido o cheiro de algo suculento – acredito que seja cheiro de bolo de chocolate, nĂŁo Ă©? Poderia me servir um pedaço antes de eu ir? Dona Rosa, que ainda estava pensando no viajante misterioso, depois de alguns segundos, ouviu um estalo em sua cabeça, e desastrosamente deixou a vassoura cair no chĂŁo, e atendeu ao pedido do viajante, com muito gosto. - Ó sim sim sim! É pra jĂĄ! Se precisar de um quarto, tenho um disponĂ­vel! Mas vocĂȘ nĂŁo parece estar procurando um quarto, nĂŁo Ă© mesmo? - NĂŁo senhora, estou procurando algo muito maior e mais escuro do que um quarto – dando um leve sorriso no canto da boca -. Venha desvendar os mistĂ©rios dessa histĂłria em ASN Online! Equipe: @Capivarinha @Matho Imagens: No geral Ă© isso, pessoal. Estamos planejando um alpha test fechado nos prĂłximos dias, para verificar se todos os sistemas estĂŁo corretos, se tudo funciona bem, se o game estĂĄ fluindo em party, e etc... Enquanto nĂŁo sai do alpha/beta, ainda estaremos com essas sprites genĂ©ricas. Qualquer dĂșvida, podem postar aqui. Um abraço e fiquem bem (:
  12. Alone Online Alone Online is Currently built in the Intersect Engine awaiting for source. We have been working on Alone Online for only a few weeks now and our progression has increased heaps. We are so far focusing on graphics and mapping. Short story The world is in turmoil. Warlords and Fiefdoms rule the wilderness in the wake of an apocalyptic zombie outbreak. You are a Warlord, cunning and ruthless. To survive the hordes, band together with your fellow outlaws and establish your territory. Cast down other Warlords in combat to expand your domain. But allegiances are frail and no fealty certain. In the wilds, you are alone... Staff Owner Bluedragon Management Both Solitary Graphics Ivy Felreach Levels Sounds Lil False Programming SubRosa Writer Arcmind Plans Currently we can't promise anything because we would get much complaints so we do our best to surprise players. We are also in progress of making character sprites for customization. Looking for: Volunteer Programmers Volunteer Mappers Volunteer Graphic designers Volunteer SFX unless high quality tracks. we can pay We want to be able to add these things in the future for players to enjoy. ‱Forming Alliances ‱Mass amount of weapons ‱Character customization ‱Open world ( Done ) ‱Make friends but never trust anyone ‱Survive the z.o.m.b.i.e horde ( Done ) ‱Take over sections ‱Craft items & Gather resources ‱Day/Night System ( Done ) ‱Holding lands for rewards You our can contact me via discord or forum dms. Our server link: https://discord.gg/kxCYqgW
  13. Is it actually possible to code instead of using the editors in the engine? C#
  14. Is there a way to make everyone run the client without using the resource folder, like just run the game and its automatically updated. also if you send the folder the players cant they mess around with the files and change it? is there a way to stop that.
  15. Hey, My team would like to make our game 8 directional movement. would that be possible?
  16. Is it possible to change the default UIs etc Chat bar, Profile menu on left... and create new ones?
  17. Firstly, i'd like to say that this is my first time making a post like this, so excuse me if i make grammatical errors and what not. What's the game about? RHG is a tournament style animation battle between 2 animators and their unique stick figures, basically whoever's animation was better would win and some would even make their battles canon to their character(etc one of them called FLFFL{ALFA}lost his arm in one of his battle and since then he's been only using one arm). This game is similar but you don't need to animate anything and theres alot more than just battling for glory. The players(stick figures) have some freedom to explore and travel around to become stronger however they choose to become so, whether by doing quests, hunting other players, NPCs and other things. The game would be designed to make you choose what you want to do instead of holding your hand for 90% of the time. Story? You're at the age in the stick figure community where you'll be able to become a gladiator, a gladiator is assigned tasks, missions and also participate in tournament battles against NPCs and other players. You can choose a general stat path where you want your character to be in (whether it is fighter,mage or tank and so on) then you'll be able to assign your own stats freely each level. There would also be alot of customization elements that would make your character unique like different skill setups, clothing and weapons. Thats pretty much all i have at this point. For staff, it's just me alone which you would realize after seeing the only few screenshots i have at the moment What has been done so far is basically just placeholder stuff to make it a viable concept(If that makes any sense), i have a stick figure character sprite that could be alot better but since there aren't much stuff from rpg maker regarding stick figures i had to improvise and modify one of the existing rpg maker ones and just made it plain black. The style of the map i was going for was like a moba styled one, where you have a base and then you go out into the wilderness,jungle and rivers until you find the next landmark and what not. The only weapon i fully made was just a sword to test the paperdoll and damage. There still needs to be a female sprite so i'm working on that. Classes are basically done but i think they may need better balancing as things go more foward. My plan right now is to actually get serious about this and make it into an actual thing, i didn't really have the motivation until realizing there aren't alot or any prominent mmo stick figure rpgs of this sort. I did have a playable version running and was using a custom character stat system but i didn't get enough forms turned it to actually make use of it so i just left it there. So in the next 6-7 days i'd make some changes to the user interface and actually try to make a presentable map and maybe a trailer of some sort? i dunno. I have alot of items and skills to make so i've been preparing myself and collecting alot of different ideas for skills that players would be able to use If you want to point out somethings to me and give me feedback and criticism i'll gladly accept it.
  18. Hey guys, It is very early days in my project yet, I have been concepting it for a few weeks, but as the asset preperation nears completion and the story, plot and concept continues to develop I seek a small team of experienced mappers/eventers to help bring the game to fruition. Name: Shadows of Mayhem Engine: Intersect Genre: Dark Fantasy Style: Realism (as opposed to anime) Compensation: Rev share pending source code and game release (to be decided but likely optional membership and/or cosmetic/aesthetic item shop (NOT Pay to win)) Current team: Me (project leader, head mapper, story and concept author, asset prep) , Grimston: Head developer website: https://shadowsofmayhem.tk (dont mind the slow speed of site this will eventually be addressed) Requirements for application: Please post a little about yourself, some details and screens of previous work and what you expect to gain/contribute by joining our team In theory: This game will be heavily story driven as well as having an openesque (not 100%) world with mmo elements including world bosses, choices and (eventually) factions. Story/setting: (LONG AND DETAILED, BE PREPARED) Screens & concepts: 1. Screenshot 2. World Boss Concepts Thanks in advance guys and i look forward to seeing your work and talents in order to make this project a success.
  19. Hey guys, i tried to make an option on death to return to your spawn point on revive on spot using a 'lost soul' from your inventory. I know common events have a trigger issue as is in beta 4 but i believe that is only with multiple common events and this was my only common event. I set condition as player death trigger as autorun and displayed text and options with restore hp if lost soul was chosen and in inventory. But whenever i die i auto spawn and no event is triggered. Is there a way to turn off autorespawn , am i doing something wrong or is this bugged?
  20. Hey guys, I cant seem to find any features for levellable skills or indeed spells. Firstly is there plans for a skill list/editor, like say gathering, crafting, combat skills etc so if i am lvl 100 fishing i could catch better fish etc? If there isn't I have 2 options, be patient and wait for the source or make them using events/switches and variables. For the latter option does anyone have any idea what a solid process to achieve this would be? This could also be employed to 'level up' magic, perhaps each kill adds numbers to variable and acts as exp, when required exp is met in the variable perhaps you gain a more powerful variant of said spell. I'm just not too sure exactly how i'd set these kinda things up. Thanks in advance
  21. Skaveron

    Concept The Wheel

    1. Premise “We are all just Cogs in a machine...” The Wheel is an enormous floating fortress, drifting around in the void with an ever increasing population of many different alien species. Most of them are outcasts and run-aways, some are survivors of doomed worlds while others are prisoners, unable to find their way home. The Wheel itself seems to have no clear origins, though many attribute the creation of the original fortress to an ancient, unknown race of engineers that vanished long ago. Over the course of thousands of years, The Wheel has gone through many changes and iterations, as new species discovered the fortress, often by accident, their spaceships became permanent fixtures of the station as their technology was integrated into The Wheel. Now the floating bastion is a hodgepodge of different alien structures, ships and tech all meshed together to create a strange, albeit functioning whole. The fortress is not stationary and it isn't direction-less either. Occasionally, ancient drives and engines somewhere deep within The Wheel fire up like a hiccuping giant and either steer the fortress towards some unknown destination or teleport the entire thing somewhere else entirely. As the fortress passes by habited systems, some of The Wheel’s residents take the opportunity to raid these planets in order to steal valuables and resources, and to kidnap slaves. So far no single group has been able to figure out of The Wheel’s full capabilities and several factions and gangs are vying for control over the ancient fortress, either through politics or through force. 2. Summary The Wheel is an online RPG with a heavy focus on Roleplay. Most of the game takes place in The Wheel itself, which is divided in to several different wards that serve as home territories for major guilds. To keep things fresh and dynamic, The Wheel 'moves' and as new planets become accessible others drift out of range, giving players new locations to explore every couple of months of so. The main focus however is a game of politics, influence and control. Heavily inspired by the Planescape setting (The City of Doors, specifically) and the likes of White Wolf RPGs, players with common goals can band together in Guilds or Gangs. Whether they want to gather wealth, personal power, political control, explore new worlds or unlock the secrets of The Wheel itself, that is up to them. 3. Art Style Considering the setting and potential mature themes, I feel the usual cartoony or animesque style doesn't fit. Instead I would like to go for a more 80’s inspired retro futuristic art style. For examples, see games like Hyper Light Drifter, Undungeon, Narita Boy, etc. 4. Mechanics The Wheel will not make use of levels and a limited sort of class system. Experience can be gained by defeating monsters and solving quests, though experience is more like an extra currency used to purchase Skills. Skills or a combination of certain skills will give a player access to more areas and interesting bits of lore and information, and unlock crafting recipes. Combat effectiveness of a character will depend on two things; Equipment and Enhancements. Equipment, although having a significant impact on a character's stats should be considered secondary, as all equipment is dropped on death. Things like rare and unique weapons and artifacts can be found, though running around with these in public has obvious risks attached too them. Enhancements will determine your primary play-style. Each character has five enhancement slots in which you can fit any type of enhancement (Mutations, Tech, Psionics & Manifestations), although not every class can use all enhancements of a certain type. Enhancements follow a certain thematic trait that grants a number of buffs, special abilities or attacks depending on the enhancement in question. For example, 'Plugs and Ports' is a Tech enhancement that allows you to access and hack terminals or defense systems. 'Acid for Blood' is a Mutation that grants you immunity to certain hazards, though also gives a character an Acid Spit attack. By mixing and matching enhancements a player can create a unique toolbox of abilities that fit their play-style. 4.1 Classifications Organics [Humans, most Aliens, Intelligent animals, etc.] Average in everything. Can use enhancements of all four types, but with limits. Flexible. Mechanicals [Robots, Androids, Holograms, AI, etc.] Slow, but increased physical defenses & hit points. Start with one rank in Engineering for free. Can use certain Tech enhancements that no other species can use but will never be able to use Mutations. Ethereals [Dimensional beings, Supernatural entities, etc.] Increased mental defenses. Largest magic/mana pool. Free ranks in knowledge skills. Access to all of the Psionic enhancements but can never use Tech enhancements. The Eldritch [Monsters, Slimes, Living Plants, Lovecraftian Horrors, etc.] Minor increased physical and mental defenses. Free rank in Forbidden Lore. Can never use Tech enhancements and only a small, limited selection of Psionics, however they have access to special, more powerful Manifestations. 4.2 Skills Skills are still subject to change as planning continues. Skills Related to Game Mechanics ‱ Genetics – 10 ranks, allows discovery & creation of mutations ‱ Bionics – 10 ranks, allows discovery & creation of Tech usable by both Organics and Mechanicals ‱ Cybernetics – 10 ranks, allows discovery of Tech exclusively available for Mechanicals. ‱ Engineering – 10 ranks, Creation of weapons, armor and other technological items such as drones and portable turrets. ‱ Meditation – 5 ranks / 10 ranks for Ethereals, allows discovery of new Psionics. ‱ Forbidden Lore – 5 ranks / 10 ranks for The Eldritch, allows discovery of Manifestations. ‱ Chemistry – x ranks, creation of ‘potions’ and hypos. ‱ Nature & Survival – x ranks, useful when scavenging & exploring planets Knowledge Skills (Used to gain more information, can be used for RP, or called by DMs, might also be called during certain events / quests) ‱ Knowledge (The Wheel) – x ranks ‱ Knowledge (Dimensional Theory) – x ranks ‱ Knowledge (Universal) – x ranks ‱ Knowledge (Physics) – x ranks 4.3 Enhancement Types Mutations Mutations are usually only available for Organics and The Eldritch. Mechanicals lack biological components to mutate and an Ethereal’s biology is usually too complex or too advanced to accept any kind of tampering. Although mutations can provide someone with amazing benefits, they often come with a draw-back in the form of physical changes, some of which might be quite gruesome. Tech Cybernetic implants, advanced prosthetics, brain stimulators, etc. Tech comes in many forms. General Tech such as weapons and gadgets can be used by anyone, although Tech Enhancements can only be used by Organics, generally in the shape of bionics and Mechanicals who can easily integrate new Tech in to their bodies. Ethereals have a hard time integrating tech in to their bodies for the same incompatibility reasons as with mutations and The Eldritch are simply too alien for common Tech to work on. Psionics In a broad sense, Psionics refer to any natural ability that can manipulate the world or even reality without the assistance of any intermediate tool or device. It is essentially ‘space magic’ though with alternating origins or explanations depending on who uses it. Organics and The Eldritch have the capacity to learn some psionics, though only the ancient Ethereal races can truly master it. Manifestations Also called ‘mantles’, Manifestations encompass Summons & Transformations. Examples Acid for Blood [Mutation] Usable by: Organics, The Eldritch Sabotage: Use Acid to get past certain barriers Acid Spit: Attack that deals damage over time Immunity to certain hazards such as acid damage, pools, traps etc. Plugs and Ports [Tech] Usable by: Mechanicals, Organics Allows the user to access computer systems for information and bypass certain electronic security measures. Force Specialist [Psionics] Useable by: Organics, Ethereals Force Shield: Increases physical defense by 10% Force Barrier: Summon a temporary impenetrable barrier Force Bolt: High damage projectile though with a long cool-down period The Specter [Manifestation] Usable by: Ethereals, The Eldritch Specter Form: Allows you to turn invisible for a short duration, increases your dodge chance. Summon Specter: Summons an illusion that deals no damage, but distracts enemies. 5. The Wards 5.1 The Greenhouse 5.2 The Labs 5.3 The Factory 5.4 The Hive 5.4 The Circus 5.5 The Gaol 5.5 The Market 5. Final Words I wanted to do so much more before making this post, such as have things written out in more detail and having more mock-ups for the different wards ready but because of work and other real-life priorities I have been slacking a bit. The Mock-up images are not final, and a few of them lack details I wanted to include and I'm hoping to spend a couple of evenings and weekends smoothing them out of time allows. Either way, I'm wondering about people's thoughts on this concept. C+C welcome.
  22. http://prntscr.com/gnzajq 2-3 Months ago i was have lots of resolution like 1366x768 1360x720 ~~ why now am i just have 2x?
  23. Agora, o Editor de NPC. DĂșvidas Quote Me, ou envie Mensagem Privada.
  24. OlĂĄ pessoal. Vamos ao prĂłximo tutorial. Editor de Tempo Por hora Ă© sĂł
  25. Hey guys -- I have occasionally been asked if I could share the dinosaur models I've created for A4C, and I'm only happy to. Thought I'd just post a thread. Here are some sprites for anyone looking to add some prehistoric NPCs: Enjoy!
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