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RPG Balance System

Weylon Santana

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Hi guys, it's me again, so motivated by wanting future changes to my game and not having money to pay, so I've searched and I will seek knowledge about programming, and c#

I learned a lot of basic stuff about a lot and sought some knowledge using the source of the intersect also to create a simple program that can help you with balancing (i hope) this is the RPG Balance System


Explanation of what I tried to do:

1 - Player Area



The maximum level is what will define the amount of rows in the tables, you can increase or decrease as you wish to be in your game.
Basic status values (attack, defense, etc) which are the basic values you will put in the Intersect class editor.

Base HP and HP Inc by Lvl% - so you can track how much hp the player will have at level x (unfortunately I only did it by percentage, maybe I'll add it by points in the future or or i quit the program here)
Exp Base and Exp Factor(%) for you to follow the player's leveling, to know how to distribute exp among your monsters at the player's level x.

Points to be distributed at each level and Maximum points so that you do not exceed in the distribution

Base damage (I'll always consider unarmed combat because that can already shed light on how much base damage to add to weapons and spells)

Scaling Status and Scaling Factor, work like the intersect (I think)
Critical Multiplier


2 - Builds Area


This here has to do with the distribution of points
Balanced - It will take the points gained in each level and distribute it among the 5 stats (for this reason it only works well if you put points per level in multiples of 5)
Strong - Will try to simulate a crazy player who takes all his points and puts them in attack, in which case the points will go to where the ScalingStat is selected.
Tanker - Will put all points on defense (so if you change the formula, use defense)


3 - Enemy Area


Pretty much the same as the player, but the stats are by percentage, when i did this i thought "how many percent do i want the monster at level x to be stronger than the player at the same level" That's why I didn't do it for points too

The hp is also in percentage, you choose how many percent will be more than the player's hp


4 - Functions Area


Update will update the tables according to the data you entered, add/remove rows and so on.

Save will save the 3 tables in an excel file. You choose where to save, the 3 tables will be on different sheets in the file.

Information will show this warning:


Player/Enemy/Summary will switch between tables


5 - Formulas Area


This is for you to change the formula any way you want

The critic is not necessary to add to the formula because I calculate separately in the summary table

Intersect works with a Random(min,max) value in formulas, which I have separated into 4 formulas
Min True - Min value obtained for true damage (no defense interference)
Max True - Max value obtained for true damage (no defense interference)

Min Real - Min value obtained for real damage (with defense interference)
Max Real - Max value obtained for real damage (with defense interference)

I called it real damage to differentiate the name. And as the formula (usually) is the same for physical damage or magic damage so I called it real damage.


6 - Summary Grid


Well, here is a summary of damage and hits

Player level and monster level for you to compare damage and hits of both on the same level

True damage and real damage showing minimum deferred and maximum player damage on enemy and vice versa (so in game damage will be between these two values I believe)

Critical (min, max) to also monitor what will be the critical

Hits True and Hits Real that shows the amount of hits that the player must take on the enemy to kill him I use approximate value because "maybe there is some life left, right?"


Here is the download


Here is the source:




To me - That I almost gave it up a hundred times
@Blinkuz - Who solved many doubts for me while I was building this thing

My Gf, @Daniele Santana - Program Icon

Intersect Engine - Some formulas and functions (like customizing the formula) I took directly from source, studied a little and made it work even without understanding much


Anyone who wants to help and improve, feel free.
If you find bugs you can report it, but I don't guarantee to fix it because I'm soooo new to programming

Thanks <3

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8 hours ago, nvh said:

Good job 👌🏻



8 hours ago, Aiden9 said:

that a really nice programe, it's really hard to balance a RPG.


Congratulations and thx !

It's really hard, I hope to make it a little easier for newcomers


2 hours ago, Blinkuz said:

Wow at the time of helping you I thought it was just a simple practice for you, I did not think that you would make such a complete and useful tool, congratulations on your work.

I know, I can't even imagine that I could do something like this, there's still a lot to do, but I'm happy with what I've achieved


45 minutes ago, Beast Boyz said:

Haha i've done all of these math on excel table, took me a while (and much more haha) Good job !

Me too haha But this way I'll balance it better, when I want to change the formula or the balance in my game I have to spend a few hours modifying and re-modifying the cells, with this program I can make my life easier, export the work and continue in excel whatever I'm missing haha

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2 hours ago, Worldofjimmy said:

@Weylon Santana Windows Security won't let me try this out :( 

It is referring to this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/threats/malware-encyclopedia-description?Name=Trojan:MSIL/Tisifi.A&threatId=-2147194268


How may I try this software?






This is quite new to me hahah for windows any executable is virus.


You can download the source, compile it yourself and use the program, it doesn't have many dependencies so it's very simple to compile, any newbie can do it.


I believe that opening the solution with visual studio and pressing compile in "release" instead of "debug", you will have the program.


Or send me a message in private and I can see another way to send you the program.


or the simplest solution, allow the program to run through the antivirus, you can control which program it blocks or not.

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1 hour ago, Weylon Santana said:

This is quite new to me hahah for windows any executable is virus.


You can download the source, compile it yourself and use the program, it doesn't have many dependencies so it's very simple to compile, any newbie can do it.


I believe that opening the solution with visual studio and pressing compile in "release" instead of "debug", you will have the program.


Or send me a message in private and I can see another way to send you the program.


or the simplest solution, allow the program to run through the antivirus, you can control which program it blocks or not.


Ill try to compile the program :D If I don't succeed I PM you.


Edit: I compiled it and it works! I'll test this out, big thanks!

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5 hours ago, DanteBraga said:

hola bro, me podrias pasar las imagenes de cuanto daño tiene que hacer por nivel? porque no me deja descargarlo

I find it strange that you can't download it, maybe you should see the chrome or antivirus settings, and there are no images of something fixed defined, the program was created for you to look for exactly that, the optimal balance for your game, values that you should put it to test, there is nothing defined, each person has their own way of balancing things, the program helps to "predict" damage, exp, basic things

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