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Untested [Obsolete] Guilds


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[Obsolete] Guilds


This has since been updated and implemented into the base engine. Retaining the post for future reference only.



Adds basic guild support to the engine, the UI is based on the Friend List.

This was originally written as a test, submitted as a possible addition to the engine and rejected for future planning reasons.

Use this at your own risk, this changes a LOT of different aspects of the source code and I am NOT going to take responsibility if you break your upgrade path!

A future version of Intersect may or may not get an official Guild system, so don't say I didn't warn you.

there's also no guarantee this will work on your build as it was written against an in-development version of Intersect, you may need to fix conflicts yourself as I am not going to keep updating this every other day.



  • Guild Creation through the event system based on a Player Variable for input.
  • Event support for checking whether a player is in a guild with a specific rank or higher.
  • Event support for disbanding guilds.
  • Joining and Leaving Guilds (duh!)
  • Guild Name display over player's heads.
  • Guild Chat
  • Basic Guild Ranks
  • Localization Support
  • Basic Guild UI on the client (Inviting players and leaving the guild, guild member list with online/offline status)
  • Chat commands for elements not present in the UI (/gkick, /promote, /demote, /makeguildmaster)
  • A configuration option that allows the server to toggle PvP between members of the same guild on or off. (By default, does not allow you to attack your own guild members)











Git Patch:



Made for no particular build of Beta 7, since they don't exist yet. May have some merge conflicts you may need to resolve yourself as 7.0 gets developped further. Worked as is on 23/09/2020.

No I will not make it work on your build. It's provided as is. 


Additional Resources:



These files are the basic GUI files, please add them to your client.




  1. Download and install the main patch file for the branch you are using.
  2. Download and install any update patches IN THE ORDER THEY ARE LISTED for the branch you are using.
  3. Download and copy the resource files provided above to your client folder for the GUI to display correctly.
  4. Compile and run the server and client, it should automatically generate the new configuration/language entries.
  5. Set up a new Player String Variable to store your player's guild name they can fill in, let them fill it in and create a guild with the supplied Event command.
  6. Create your guilds and get cracking!
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Small edit:

EventCommand_CreateGuild.cs line 30 should be:


Instead of 



The former sorts by the order in which the variables were created which is what IdFromList() expects.



Also in GameInterface.cs after


the following needs to be added:

mShouldUpdateGuildList = false;


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On 17/11/2020 at 03:22, jcsnider said:

Chỉnh sửa nhỏ:

EventCommand_CreateGuild.cs dòng 30 phải là:


Thay vì 



Trước đây sắp xếp theo thứ tự mà các biến được tạo, đó là những gì IdFromList () mong đợi.



Cũng trong GameInterface.cs sau


những điều sau cần được thêm vào:

mShouldUpdateGuildList = false;


can you use this in Intersect?? in future??

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