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WIP Winter's Harvest

Mighty Professional

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Winter's Harvest is a farming game like you have never seen before, though it shares similarities with games such as Stardew Valley and Harvest Moon it breaks free of these bonds bringing you  a true multiplayer experience. In Winter's Harvest each player will have a unique farm that they may build on, raise animals and plant crops. However outside of each players farm is a whole world to explore, full of quests, dungeons, and crafting like any other MMO. If you dont have enough Hay to feed your animals through the winter you can purchase some from other players through the auction house. The game will inherit mechanics from the games before it such as relationships and weddings. However these will exist in the game between real players, with full systems to support them. 


Will you rebuild the world? Or let magic overtake it?


More information coming soon.

















Main Menu Music (By SoundImage)




Q. What engine are you using to build this?

A. Unity


Q. Are you using any Unity Addons?

A. Yes, the bulk of the work is already done by: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/templates/systems/ummorpg-2d-93984. This helps me leave the core systems alone and let me spend my time on creating content and game specific features. It is a great asset, if you have Unity experience and want to create a 2D ORPG as well, this might be a great place to start!


Q. What are you using for networking?

A. uMMORPG 2D uses Mirror for its high level networking and Telepathy for its low level networking. 


Q. Where did you get that GUI?

A. I purchased it on the asset store, I will not share the link. Though it is free and I am fine with others user it, the last time I posted graphics I had chosen for my game others tried to use them immediately. Do your own research and find a style that works for you. If you search for them they are not hard to find. Full info is in the game credits.


Q. What do you have done so far?

A. Not much! I currently have the Main Menu and character creation / login working. I need to revamp the ingame UI and then I will start working on implementing a farming system with seasons, day night and weather.


Q. Are you recruiting?

A. Not at this time.


Q. Do you have any estimated release date?

A. No, it is purely a hobby project. 


Q. Will it be free?

A. It will definitely be free, however cosmetic items through donations may be available.


Q. What platform will be supported?

A. The game will be playable via your browser and PC at launch. I may port to PS4 and Xbox or Switch if the game becomes successful enough.


Q. Do you plan on getting custom art and music made.

A. If I get far enough in the project then yes, I will most likely be hiring some artists and musicians. 


Q. Who is doing the programming?

A. I am currently doing all the programming myself.


Q. Why create a topic this early in development?

A. Mainly to keep myself motivated and have a nice log of all the progress I have made!


Q. Are you using any sort of version control system?

A. Yes, GitHub. (Private Repo)


Q. Will you release the source?

A. If I abandon the project I might, but not likely. It also relies on payed assets that I could not legally release. 


Q. What is the weirdest bug you have encountered so far?

A. My server console window plays the main menu music.


Q. Will you give up on this project like so many before it?

A. Well if there are no more questions ill just wrap things up here then!


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Hi Mighty Professional,


Very interesting project you have going on would like to see the result once its available to the public.  Good luck bro!


Not sure if you already fixed your server audio issue, or if this link is even useful as I don't use nor am I too familiar with Unity but maybe this might help you.




Take care

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nooooooooooooo, how did I miss this? Came to respond, so hurrying up so I can read o-o


Edit.1: So Mirror uses Sqlite! That's pretty legit, and since it's one code base, this could totally port to phone/tablet/anything, over breakfast xD


Edit 2: Big fan of Stardew, picked it back up recently. and what you got so far looks really interesting and thrilling. Definitely will be following along. If this released tomorrow, I'd drop Stardew to try it :7_sweat_smile:


Edit 3: Not even really a suggestion, but just an idea in case it became interesting, gitea (self-hosted git repository) is pretty lightweight and is such a dream to work with. Has webhooks that click to copy url for things like discord and even up to Github. It's free and open source. I got mine running on a pi recently, can push fast in multitudes, not sure about large pushes/commits (I personally haven't gotten to test this just yet), but I mean it's a pi, and a reverse proxy might do wonders here, I'm gonna set one up soon as I get the rest of my server parts. Written in go if that's a plus? Docs directly mention sqlite3, although i'm using mariaDB. Plays nice with the new Atom+Git features if you use that, I doubt it though? Idk much about Unity lol

- I don't know go, but the docs are good enough to help figure things out, so I've been able to continue not knowing go, lol
- If knowing go is important to you

PS: Nice to see you again Marshmallow.

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8 hours ago, varinyc said:

Nooooooooooooo, how did I miss this? Came to respond, so hurrying up so I can read o-o


Edit.1: So Mirror uses Sqlite! That's pretty legit, and since it's one code base, this could totally port to phone/tablet/anything, over breakfast xD


Edit 2: Big fan of Stardew, picked it back up recently. and what you got so far looks really interesting and thrilling. Definitely will be following along. If this released tomorrow, I'd drop Stardew to try it :7_sweat_smile:

  Hide contents

Edit 3: Not even really a suggestion, but just an idea in case it became interesting, gitea (self-hosted git repository) is pretty lightweight and is such a dream to work with. Has webhooks that click to copy url for things like discord and even up to Github. It's free and open source. I got mine running on a pi recently, can push fast in multitudes, not sure about large pushes/commits (I personally haven't gotten to test this just yet), but I mean it's a pi, and a reverse proxy might do wonders here, I'm gonna set one up soon as I get the rest of my server parts. Written in go if that's a plus? Docs directly mention sqlite3, although i'm using mariaDB. Plays nice with the new Atom+Git features if you use that, I doubt it though? Idk much about Unity lol

- I don't know go, but the docs are good enough to help figure things out, so I've been able to continue not knowing go, lol
- If knowing go is important to you

PS: Nice to see you again Marshmallow.


That sounds like a pretty cool setup! I might try this if I leave github. 


Good to see you to! Its nice to see some old names around :)

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