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Raku last won the day on February 10 2019

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About Raku

  • Birthday 12/19/1999

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    Texas, US

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  1. I don't know if I understood correctly, but try putting a 'hold player' command at the beginning of your event and a 'release player' command at the end of the event.
  2. Try over-riding the client's/editor's high DPI scaling behavior. Just right click on both the client/editor and change it by accessing the properties window. If this feature isn't available for your OS then follow my 4K guide:
  3. This is already fixed in B6. If you find any more bugs please report them in the Bugs & Suggestions sub-forum since they shouldn't be reported in the Q&A section.
  4. Raku

    Mac support

    First install Mono on your system. Once you have that, open up your terminal and use the cd command to find where your client is (ex: cd Desktop/Client/Data/). Once you are in the same directory as the client, input this command: mono "Intersect Client.exe" (Replace the name of the client if yours is different). Here's an example of what the terminal would look like:
  5. You have to edit the _strings.json files inside the client's/server's resources folder with notepad or some other text editing software. You might have to add a new font that has your language's characters if some letters or symbols are missing in-game.
  6. Do they have Intel HD Graphics? When I launched the demo version of my game 95% of the users that had that graphics chipset had either the same problem that you're describing or a very similar one.
  7. It looks like the file is either encrypted or damaged.
  8. Everything looks right... Maybe try taking out the spaces/making everything lower case in both the image files and the AnimatedSprites config.
  9. @Lukas Uchiha You're missing a comma after "shield" in each instance of the paperdoll rendering order.
  10. Make sure you follow the migration steps.
  11. Amazing work! And was the option to have animated sprites also added? If not, will it be added in a future update?
  12. Greetings to the Ascension Gamedev community! I made this guide for those that have trouble with DPI scaling on Intersect in 2K/4K displays, where the client/editor looks extremely small. I did some research and found a solution, you can follow this guide step-by-step or download the files that I uploaded... Here's an example of how the editor looks without the scaling: As you can see the tiles and the text look very small and some don't like it this way. If you want to fix this then follow the instructions provided. 1. Create a blank text file using Notepad or other text editor and add the following parameters. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <application xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3"> <windowsSettings> <dpiAware xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SMI/2005/WindowsSettings">False</dpiAware> </windowsSettings> </application> </assembly> 2. Save the text file as "Intersect Editor.exe.manifest" (Remove the " ") 3. Save it again as "Intersect Client.exe.manifest" (Remove the " ") 4. Now you should have two .manifest files for the client and the editor, which you will have to move to the Intersect folder where your client and editor .exe are located. 5. We aren't done yet, the last thing you will have to do is open the Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) and head over to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > SideBySide. (Once you are in the SideBySide folder you should see files like these) 6. Now you will have to create a DWORD (32 bit) Value called "PreferExternalManifest" (Without the " "). In order to do this just Right-click, select NEW > DWORD (32 bit) Value. Give it a name: PreferExternalManifest, and then press ENTER. 7. Right-click PreferExternalManifest, and then click Modify. Enter Value Data 1. Click OK. Exit Registry Editor. 8. Open Intersect Client/Editor and now it should be scaled to 1080p, if not restart your machine or check that you've done everything correctly. Here are all the files that you will need in case you did something wrong or you don't feel like doing the tutorial. http://www.ascensiongamedev.com/resources/filehost/13c686c7b3aae03cad498b0deca50dfb.rar If you have any questions or need help feel free to post them here
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