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Need Help Looking for Developer & Graphics Artist


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I am looking for a developer and graphics artist.

Someone who may be fit for this position is someone that enjoys doing either, but doesn't have the want to work on their own game, as they'd rather contribute to someone else's game.


Graphics artist will be responsible for creating and modifying all graphics to be used in-game as well as artwork required outside of the game. At this moment in time, someone who is good at modifying and creating new paperdoll(s) is a necessity for me.


In a developer I am looking for someone who is an expert with making and putting together unique and long quests. This person will also be responsible for the creation, extension and re-balancing of spells/skills in the game. The developer can bring whatever he or she wants to the table, I am just stating the faucets of the game that currently need some love.


I will not pay, not because I cannot afford to, but because I believe a self-motivated person will do far better than someone who is expected to get paid.

I have no issue paying in the future as I run a business full-time and this is a hobby I like investing time into, but don't have the time to cover all bases in.

I firmly believe in the statement, "if you want to go fast, go alone.. if you want to go far, go together."


I am looking for someone to pick up on the slack that will exist when I am busy with my business and someone that will go above and beyond.

 It is a MORPG. I will be making an actual game-related topic in the near future.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/30/2020 at 7:36 AM, MrValenza said:

I will not pay, not because I cannot afford to, but because I believe a self-motivated person will do far better than someone who is expected to get paid.



Lol, I hope you know how bad this sounds. You're expecting someone to make all the graphics and someone else to make all the content for your game and all for free. In the meantime you offer no unique setting, idea, features or story. All I see is a screenshot of a map that can be put together in less than 2 minutes and looks worse than most test maps. 


I suggest you come back 'in the future' when you have no problem paying. 



7 hours ago, Hatsuya said:

It's paid ? if yes hit me on discord, i can do anything you want : Hatsuya#0782

See above

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On 10/30/2020 at 2:36 AM, MrValenza said:

I will not pay, not because I cannot afford to, but because I believe a self-motivated person will do far better than someone who is expected to get paid.


As one of the developers who has poured hundreds of hours of my time for free into this engine, I can safely say this is one of the most egregiously selfish and inconsiderate comments I've seen thus far, especially in the middle of a pandemic that is making it difficult for people to secure pay for their own livelihoods.


The reason I have done all of this work for free is not because self-motivation is more effective than pay (it's not, I slack off constantly because it's not my job), but because I'm doing my part as someone who got their start in programming in these communities by giving back to the communities in any way I reasonably can since I already have everything I need. If anything, it is akin to repaying a debt I believe I owe.


Don't perpetuate the game development industry's lie that endless hours of hard work and frustration is worth it for no money because it's something they like doing. Pride doesn't put food on your table, and it doesn't put a roof over your head.

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Aside from the points noted above, if you want people to work on your game, especially for free, you have to have a game. You didn't even go over a potential story, or the draw of your game and why any developer, even paid, should help you make your game. I suggest going back to the drawing board, setting aside some more time (if you care enough to) and working out an actual game, dont just dive right into developing. Also, not asking people to pour hundreds of hours of tedious and often annoying work for free in the middle of a global pandemic as you brag about your full time business and how much money you have would be a good start.

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It's a game, it's got chicken and slime and dude wielding sword and house and yes, it's a game. Only problem is: It's not a game worth making this post for.

Anyways, I'm not going to get into the debate of (free vs paid). Some actually do work for free, and they do it in/of their own reason. Others drive off the motivation in potential of monetizing and that's fine to.

But, if you want to get anywhere with your project, put in your time to do so as well. Don't just expect a white knight to make you a game that you just accredit yourself to.


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  • 1 year later...

Hello everyone,


Sorry for the (beyond) late reply.


I agree with all of what you guys have said and apologize for coming off the way I did.

I think at the time (as I don't remember) I was looking for dedication and that is why I said what I said but looking back it looked foolish. Thanks for your feedback, as I see it as constructive criticism and again I agree with all that was said above.

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