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Everything posted by eins

  1. Thanks, i tried that, but it didn't help.
  2. Hi there, just wanted to compile Intersect for the first time. I followed the instructions, but NuGet wont load the Monogame package for me. When i go to manage NuGet packages for solution i seemingly only see older versions? I tried setting Package source to "all" (which showed the newer Monogame versions in the drop down) and then the "restore" in the box on top, but that didnt seem to work as well. Edit: Further investigation shows the file it tries to download is http://teamcity.monogame.net/guestAuth/app/nuget/feed/_Root/default/download/MonoGame_DevelopWin/96508:id/MonoGame.Framework/DesktopGL/Release/MonoGame.Framework.DesktopGL. which has probably somehow gone missing? There is also nothing here http://teamcity.monogame.net/viewLog.html?buildId=96508&buildTypeId=MonoGame_DevelopWin&tab=artifacts while the newer version shows the files http://teamcity.monogame.net/viewLog.html?buildId=97601&buildTypeId=MonoGame_DevelopWin&tab=artifacts I tried removing the packet from the solution and instead added the version, but it seems like the old version is still referenced somewhere? Edit again: I manually changed 1217 to 1336 in the Intersect.Client.csproj and at least now it compiles... but fails right after launching the client Exception thrown: 'System.ObjectDisposedException' in mscorlib.dll
  3. Yes, this should work with the Z-Dimension. Its a feature that is hidden in the editor and needs a bit of understanding but should be able to handle this See here:
  4. I don't think summoning pets or changing the damage formula like you want to are things that can be done with events. They might be, but its not gonna be a good idea to do it this way. These are things that can be added to the source code, once it is released.
  5. No. Noip is only an alias for your IP, so thats no help here. And public VPNs dont allow port forwarding at all, this is not gonna work. Do you have access to your router configuration? If yes, what model do you have? In case you're not, the only options are a virtual LAN network (like Hamachi, but everyone thats going to connect to your game will have to install it and connect to your network. Bad idea!) or to rent a internet hosted server (like Intersect Hosting Solutions).
  6. Update your .net Framework (or Mono version if you use a linux server). The requirement was updated to at least .Net 4.6.1 in Beta 5.
  7. Just had a first look at this... seems like the JSON files lost all comments. I konow JSON does not really support comments, but it is usually done by inserting fields with a special marker. Here are two examples how it could look like: "Map": { "_GameBorderStyle": "0 for seamless with scrolling that stops on world edges. 1 for non-seamless, and 2 for seamless where the camera knows no boundaries. (Black borders where the world ends)", "GameBorderStyle": 0, "ItemSpawnTime": 15000, "ItemDespawnTime": 15000, "ZDimensionVisible": false, "WidthHeight_comment": "DO NOT TOUCH! These values will resize the maps in the engine and will CORRUPT existing maps. In MOST cases this value should not be changed. It would be wise to consult us before doing so!", "Width": 32, "Height": 26, "TileWidth": 32, "TileHeight": 32 }, I dont think comments in there are really required, but just a heads-up if youre looking for a way to re-add them. Anyway, looking really good so far
  8. You choose the amount you want to donate on that page in US$. Afterwards Paypal will do the currency conversion for you.
  9. The issue here is that Intersect requires OpenGL 3. I encountered this issue before, since i run linux as my main OS on my laptop. I know no virtualisation drivers that support Version 3 (only OpenGL 2). However! This only concerns the client. The client will run fine with mono under linux (and likely also MacOS). The Editor can not be run with mono... but it runs in a VM, since it does not depend on OpenGL (it uses DirectX instead). In conclusion: - run the client and server with mono - only use the VM if you want to use the editor Edit: Is your host OS really Windows 10? In this case you dont need a VM at all...
  10. I think thats something that can be way better handled by an external application (like a website), either directly with the database or possibly even better with the new API. (same for account creation) I can see the appeal for users without the technical knowledge, however i also think that quite a bit of this technical knowledge is needed to make a good game anyways. For me, personally, features like emails sent from the gameserver directly or even account creation in the client are problably going to get removed on day 1 of the source release. Same for that UPnP stuff
  11. I don't know if its any priority, but i tested the demo game on Linux (Ubuntu 18.04) with mono. The launcher starts but the text is kind of funky. Seems to work tho. When it finishes and tries to start the game it just crashes. #:~/Downloads/Demo Game$ mono Demo\ Game.exe Gtk-Message: 13:40:18.777: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module" Unhandled Exception: System.BadImageFormatException: Could not resolve field token 0x0400042d File name: 'Intersect Client' If i try to run the client.exe in the data dir it gives the same unhandled exception (last 2 lines of the shell output above). An internet search seems to point to BadImageFormatException being an issue with the target platform (32/64bit)... However, as far as i can see, both 4.9.1 and this beta 5 client are compiled for 32bit, to that should't be an issue.
  12. That's some senseless and wrong advice... 1. He already said he tried using NoIP 2. How should that even help with his problem? 3. You can always look up the IP address behind a domain name. Thats how the whole domain name system works. There is no way to hide your IP via NoIP or any other domain. The domain is just a alias for an IP address, and its public. There is even a build in tool in pretty much any operating system to query DNS. For Windows open your command line, and type in "nslookup ascensiongamedev.com" (or any other domain), and you get the corresponding IP address.
  13. Uh, thats not JSON. The synax is always like this: { "name" : "eins", "postcount" : "123" } So its always { variable : content } Nesting is also possible, but that include and the percent sign is not JSON at all.
  14. Oh boy, i played that game so much as a kid. The remake is really good and graphics and controls are perfect. I dont remember it being quite that hard, but i guess i was a lot quicker back in the day. However, there are two things that i dont like about the game: 1. I think the background music does not fit at all. The original one didn't have music, and i would really prefer to play it that way (only sound effects and little music snippets at the beginning of levels). If there has to be music it should at least more like chiptune music to fit the era the game is from (at least in my opinion). 2. The app propts me to connect to google play every single time i open the main screen. I have no interest in 'sharing my score between devices' or any of that stuff and its just annoying. Anyway, really great job!
  15. You can completely ignore the UPnP message when hosting the server on a VPS. You dont need it there and it can technically not work.
  16. I'm really sorry, but if you don't know what youre doing never rent a unmanaged server. Its a huge security risk, not only for you. You don't need any "No IP dns", since thats only for when youre hosting from your home connection, because your IP address changes. Your server should have a fixed IP. You can do that, so you can update the IP adress in the hostname later so you can change servers without having to change the client, but it is not required. There shouldn't be much more to do than starting the server on the VPS, making sure the firewall is allowing the connection and changing the client config.xml line <Host>localhost</Host> to your servers IP adress
  17. Also, this is a 2D rpg, not a fast paced ego shooter... 200ms ping should still be fine.
  18. One "dirty" fix would be a hosts file entry with the no-ip dyndns set to Open "C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts" Put in a new line yourdynamicip.noipwhatever.com The feature that allows access to your own external IP is "NAT loopback" and many routers are missing it. For me at home it actually works
  19. So, youre hosting the server on your pc and you can not enter but others can? The problem is most likely that your router does not allow you to access your external ip from inside your own network. In this case, just use the IP to access your server from the same machine.
  20. Your question about "protecting your resources" has been answered here before: tl;dr: No.
  21. eins

    Safe Zones

    Of course it can be implemented when the source is released. As for the shops, just make them Indoors when you enter them teleport to the indoor map (that is a safe zone)?
  22. This is pretty simple. Create a event, under extras make it passable, hide the name, and use interaction freeze. Trigger on player touch. As commands just create your text box and then warp the player back. Voilà, done!
  23. Yeah, but Unity is going out of service. Ubuntu is going back to Gnome with the next release. So you would "learn" a dying desktop enviroment, and with next release everything would look different. Not so nice. I would recommend Mint Linux for a newb. Both MATE and Cinnamon desktops are solid choices, while i would prefer MATE. Im just not about that eyecandy. I recently thought about completely switching to linux. I wanted to install Windows in a VM and give it access to my graphicscard via VT-d, so i could play games in the VM with minimal performance loss (like 2-3%). Turns out my i5 2500k does not support VT-d So, back to topic: My favorite Linux distro is Debian. I use it for all my personal servers, and it just works. When i need a Desktop i pretty much always choose Xfce, sinnce i like the frills approach.
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