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Everything posted by oOScuByOo

  1. Hey cool way to achieve this trick buddy nice ^^
  2. I think the blue carpet with yellow decoration was just perfect, it cut the grey aspect of the whole room, maybe just made it more neon blue like the orb liquid one =)
  3. Look really cool so far, your game will have a unique spirit =) Keep it up
  4. Translated 1400 lines of code ... Want to die !

  5. Thanks so much need color scheme for customize the tiles <3
  6. Pretty cool bro give me more inspiration =p Keep it up =D
  7. Salut @Gorg, Après lecture de ton topic je déterre un peu le topic pour savoir ou en est ton projet ? Je trouve les maps très sympa et tu a fait un bon boulot avec les Ressources de TF. Je te souhaite bon courage pour la suite et espére que le projet avance.
  8. Hey =) As i have first answer to your question if you want to only control any computer if you have SSH installed or putty under windows you could have the control via Shell at anytime ... But with the others question you ask i think it's not what you want ^^. I think you was asking if you could buy a "cheap" computer for running a Virtual machine with the exemple you give me 8 CPU's and 16GB ram ... So to be brief yes you could ... But to be more realistic it's not possible ^^. I explain : You could use a virtualisation software for simulate the Machine you give in parameter, the problem was the next, when you host a virtual machine what happen is you share your real ressources ( the one your computer have ) with all the virtual instance you've created. So if you use a Raspberry, lets take the 3+ you will have a Quad Core with 1GB Ram ..., so you could create 4 VM with One Core and 250MB ram each, which be atleast host 10 people with Intersect i think. So this is how work a VPS ( really basically more complex in reality but if you have this in mind you'r good to go ^^ ). So for your answer, i think the best option for you was to buy or rent a VPS on AWS ( Amazon ), OVH, One&One, Intersect Solution ( i think it's the best if you don't want to merge to updated version as JC provide it to us ^^, thanks GOD =p ) But ... The first question you should ask to your self was ... What's the status of my project, do i need an Online Hosting solution now or should i host it my self ... As JC said Intersect was well coded and didn't "eat" a lot of ressources for server running ... So with only a Custom Mini PC for less than 300$ you have a self hosted server at home if you have at least a 1GB connection i think it's perfect for your needs ( if your game growth you will have to invest in some protection like SSL, a Symmetric NAT for improve connectivity or a Domain Name .... That's just exemple ) And as i Said in the beginning of my post you could use SSH for connect to any PC wich was reachable, via your laptop, any PC or android with some knowledge ^^ and with all Operating System ! Hope i have clearly explain and answer your question ^^ Edit : So you didn't ask why i think x) ... As @panda say's as VM with what you need was really expensive ... And build your own computer was the same cost as rent a VM for 8 month ... So you should really consider to buy your own computer instead of rent a Virtual One as @jcsnider said if you have some lag you will snatch your hair x) ...
  9. Hell yeah !!! Add some more ambiant to the game like it buddy
  10. Just awesome ^^ it will be very cool to work with this feature specially the Shield and on item equipped condition =p Hope to see more Keep up the good work !
  11. Try to upload myself on cloud ---> Status Failed ---> RTFM AGAIN

  12. Thank you JC as ever the best ^^ edit : I've found the Block Slow option under config.json but i didn't find the Damage reduction ^^', and i understand well how it's work basically all shield share the same % ... So do you think you could plan to add an option to modify this value by shield instead of whole shield on the items editor in future update ? =) Thanks =D
  13. Hell yeah !! Thanks for the good share buddy =)
  14. Hello folks =D First of all i apologize if the question was already answered but i didn't find something relevant with my search ... I've not already try to play with all the functionnality of the engine as for now i've change the way i made games and didn't walk blind anymore and for that i'm currently working on my "paper" Game Design Document for have some route to follow on my journey to Finish ( I hope x) ) my first Online Game. So that's say ^^... I come to you because i'm looking for some already built in system at this step of the engine and before the sources release to think about some mechanics of gameplay, i've see that there is a key for Blocking attack on the client ... My question was the next : How did the block/parade system work actually, i'v try to add a shield ( and it doesn't have the option to block for exemple xx% of physical damage or xx% of Magical Damage or both ... ) So currently you can only affect pure stats and so on i don't understand how this system work, because if you can only alter pure stats and not add a real Block percentage when holding the key i don't know why we can block as the engine already calculate how much damage an enemy will deal to the player by substract the base damage x enemy stats to the player Health - Armor - Magical resist etc ... ^^, so i think there is something i didn't find, understand or misunderstood, it's in search of this answer i came to you =) Hope you have understand what i mean as english wasn't my native language and i try to understand some mechanic which was simple but hard to keep in mind when you lack of word for understand the technical language ^^. Thank you for reading =p
  15. could you send again the content of your server/ressources/config.json please ( all the content ^^ ) edit : If you use Username and pass for DB connection don't forget to cut off before posting x)
  16. You have to wait for the sources, Once in them you could code something for look at current user IP and allow only one connection per IPs.Then for modify a Nick you have to edit the DB with an editor ... If under linux you could do it with native tools on console else under windows you should download a program check google for find "Free SQLite Editor". Good luck =)
  17. Like it ... Hope to see more =p Keep up the good work
  18. Salut glaz, Merci a toi pour cette initiative, si le projet est pas en ouvert peut tu m'inviter ( même pseudo ) pour que je puisse t'aider et faire des merge Merci a toi =)
  19. Comme Akira la signaler le mieux reste de prendre un serveur VPS ou cloud ... ca te suffira le temps de dev correctement ton jeu avant d'avoir plus de 10 joueurs simultanément, maintenant pour ce qui est de ton Self Hosting, si tu a effectué toutes les manip stipuler par Akira et que cela ne fonction toujours pas c'est certainement du a ton routeur ( BOX ) il te faut ajouté une règle en droit entrée / sortie si tu veut que cela fonctionne ... En passant par l'adresse de ton routeur la plus part du temps, le problème est que toute personne ayant visu sur tes fichier config de ton jeu ont 1 accès a ton ip et 2 un port complètement ouvert et non sécurisé... Même dans l'optique ou tu aurais hébergé ton serveur sur un raspberry ou un vieu pc, cela fait toujours une faille de sécurité eeeeeeenorme donc je te déconseille fortement d'emprunter cette voie ... Maman risque de te demanderdes comptes quand sa carte aura servie a achetée du vieu porn suédois x) ... Le développement d'un jeu nécessite toujours un investissement plus ou moins important ... Donc soit tu dev pour le fun avec tes potos au cdi du bahut et vous héberger en LAN bien planqué et sa durera que quelques temps soit tu investit dans un petit serveur. Bon chance ! =)
  20. C'est du Java Script donc hélas même avec les sources tu ne pourra pas ajouter ce plugin, par contre en réalisé un complètement possible ( et plutôt facile )... C'est déjà fesable d'ailleurs rien qu'avec l'éditeur d'event, tu ne peut juste pas avoir un aperçu avant mais tu peut modifier tes paperdolls via les events ... Courage ^^
  21. Quel dommage un bon projet arrêter... pourquoi ce changement soudain ?
  22. Peut être pourrais tu exprimé tes besoin au niveau coding, le language surtout, ensuite partir d'un engine pre existant sera beaucoup plus simple mais le choix du moteur est important car il influera sur le code ... Les existant sont pour la plus part en VB seul intersect et quelques autres sont en c mais pas encore open source, donc soit tu prend un plug uMMORPG 2D et tu part avec ca comme base soit tu cree de 0 ... Ou dernière option tu commence avec intersect qui avec son système d'event te laisse deja pas mal de marge et tu fait tes map / quêtes / anim / etc... et lors de la release open source tu ajoute ce dont tu a besoin ... Mais pour le moment sans un choix clair et definitif de ta part tu risque d'avoir du mal a trouver une team. Bon chance !
  23. Hello Guys and Gals ! I'm ScuBy and I'm from Paris, France. I'm starting created games when i was 13 years old with RPG Maker 2k3, now I'm 26 years old. Maybe a little old to continue dreams about games ^^. After turn around and the golden age of MMO i've planned to make my own, but at this time nothing exist ... Only a little basic ruby script for create some Multi Player games with RPG Maker. So after that i've found some community like XtremeWorlds, Eclipse or his little French Brother Frog Creator, and i've finally start to make my games, but i've never finish any games due to the cost of the production the lack of time and so the engine capacity ... But hope this beautifull new engine will make the perfect job i dream of ^^. I hope my english wasn't a shame for your eyes, See ya soon =D
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