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Help please



Help with 10 questions:

1. How to make Pets?

2. How to make a thing tied to the class / dressed only for one class of the character?

3. How to make the chat be able to turn.

4. How can I make a Guild system?

5. How can you do, if you called the NPC so that for his murder you get experience?

6. How to make things not disappear / disappear when you create a thing-event?

7. How to add a separate window to the screen so that you can click on it and open a separate store.

8. How to add / remove things to characters through the Database?

9. How to make a premium account?.

10. How to make through the site Payment and statistics, and receive rewards through the site in the game?

11. How to fix this error?  "Message: The index was outside the bounds of the array.
    Stack:    в Intersect.Client.Entities.Entity.DetermineRenderOrder(HashSet`1 renderList, MapInstance map) в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\Entities\Entity.cs:line 612
   в Intersect.Client.Entities.Events.Event.DetermineRenderOrder(HashSet`1 renderList, MapInstance map) в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\Entities\Events\Event.cs:line 167
   в Intersect.Client.Entities.Entity.Update() в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\Entities\Entity.cs:line 347
   в Intersect.Client.Entities.Events.Event.Update() в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\Entities\Events\Event.cs:line 62
   в Intersect.Client.Maps.MapInstance.Update(Boolean isLocal) в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\Maps\MapInstance.cs:line 168
   в Intersect.Client.GameMain.ProcessGame() в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\Core\GameMain.cs:line 278
   в Intersect.Client.GameMain.Update() в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\Core\GameMain.cs:line 90
   в Intersect.Client.IntersectGame.Update(GameTime gameTime) в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\IntersectGame.cs:line 112
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SdlGamePlatform.RunLoop()
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior)"




"Message: An object reference does not point to an instance of an object.
    Stack:    в Intersect.Client.UI.Game.EntityPanel.EntityBox.UpdateImage() в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\UI\Game\EntityPanel\EntityBox.cs:line 730
   в Intersect.Client.UI.Game.EntityPanel.EntityBox.Update() в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\UI\Game\EntityPanel\EntityBox.cs:line 282
   в Intersect.Client.UI.Game.GameGuiBase.Draw() в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\UI\Game\GameGuiBase.cs:line 276
   в Intersect.Client.UI.Gui.DrawGui() в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\UI\Gui.cs:line 142
   в Intersect.Client.GameGraphics.Render() в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\Classes\Core\GameGraphics.cs:line 404
   в Intersect.Client.IntersectGame.Draw(GameTime gameTime) в C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Client\IntersectGame.cs:line 132
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.DoDraw(GameTime gameTime)
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SdlGamePlatform.RunLoop()
   в Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run(GameRunBehavior runBehavior)"

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7 answers to this question

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1. You can't

2. On the conditions of that item add "class is x"

3. You can't

4. You can't

5. You can't

6. Controlling the spawn conditions of the pages of the events you want to make appear/disappear

7. You can't

8. Using the API

9. You can't

10. Using the API

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So for a good amount of these questions I feel you’re going to need to at least get familiar with the Intersect engine first. Some of these questions are fairly simple but others are more complex and will require technical know how, which judging from the questions, you seem to lack at the current moment. 


Good of luck with your game dev journey and have fun.

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"Khaikaa" 10. Using the API

I can make it   or what program is suitable?

and if do as premium, separate class individual, and reduce on it obtaining experience, but as add him an additional status dropping things?

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1 hour ago, Lalak said:

"Khaikaa" 10. Using the API

I can make it   or what program is suitable?

and if do as premium, separate class individual, and reduce on it obtaining experience, but as add him an additional status dropping things?


You can use any program which can manage REST services, like postman or soapui, but you can also develop your own. You need to understand that intersect is not open source, you can do only what you see on its editor + what api lets you.

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