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Few Questions!



Ok i have a few questions. 


What do the stats in this game do?



Move Speed


Ability Power


What does each one do stat wise.


How can I adjust the stats to do other stuff I want?


Sometimes some of my monsters don't move and just stand there taking hits. Whats causing this?


Anyway I can implement EXP loss?



Ty. I will have more question coming. 

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1.) Physical Damage

2.) The speed the character moves at

3.) Lowers damage intake

4.) Spell damage (the makers of the engine play league of legends and it's what's used for the spell damage stat thats why xD)


The other things:

1.) Not doable until source comes

2.) Increase movement rate

3.) Depends what you mean by that

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Ok awesome thank you for reply. 


The use of potions hasn't been implemented yet right? Game says it hasn't.


I also have noticed that sometimes if I die to a certain monster it freezes them and causes them to never attack or move again. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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That specifically is a bug. Level should not show up for NPCs. (Or maybe we need to add a level value to the npc editor)


Either way there is no way to change/hide that value at the moment. 


Making a note here for us (as a bug) will help keep us accountable in fixing it.


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I searched through the forum and couldnt find much on spells..


Wondering if i can get assisted on this please.


I'm trying to have spells for certain classes.. how can I have the spells be appropriate for the level? Also when I create the spells they dont seem to appear on the class at all. Help please!

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