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4 answers to this question

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5 hours ago, Devo said:

Hmm i see,however any idea how much ram does the engine dedicated at each player and whats max peoples that it can hold online at same time ?


Depends far more on what the players are doing and how separated they are throughout your world. If all the players are in one area only one area needs processing of maps/NPCs. But if they are scattered it's more work. 


In this day and age RAM won't ever be a problem. It's CPU usage. Don't have numbers right now though, and even if I did they're getting better with every release as we improve performance. B6 being far better on both client and server sides. 


ETA of all releases is unknown. Been traveling a ton recently (done as of this past weekend in Detroit), and a new contract job that takes utmost priority. No new features being added after b6 though, so releases will be speeding up. 


Edit: Marking as answered as the original question has been answered and other users are derailing with unrelated questions -_-

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I don't think soemone will be able to answer this question it's depending on the source code, spec and internet speed of the computer that is running the game. Even if the engine developper could give you a number it would change before the v1: 70bf42503267ccd168dfc0f380ab6b20.png


From what i know theren't a maximum limit of player simultaneous but it will depend of the OS and the pc. 

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