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Found 6 results

  1. I haven't been able to test this myself since my editor won't work for some reason (waiting on an answer in the bugs section) but I've had a chance to briefly look at the event system. So I have a couple of questions. Questions; Is it possible to spawn an extra item on top of a player (like a "Corpse") when they die? Is it possible to grab the player's name and add it to the item? (like "Bob's Corpse") Is it possible to have players force teleported to an area in which they can only leave when X amount of players are killed (like last man standing?) Then could I have more players teleported in when the "round" ends? Is it possible to even randomly choose players to do this? I imagine if it was you could use the same thing to have a Runescape style random event system? Is it possible to track how many players a player has killed? Is it possible to spawn an item in a player's inventory if they reach a specific number? Is it possible to track this through zones? (Like you have an event block at the edges of each "zone" which switches a player variable called "InZone = 1" then have 1-50 be representatives of different "zones.") It's a bit important that the player's killed variable only applies to a single zone, since I'd like to recreate a tower from a certain novel I've been reading that rewards you based on how many kills you get. Is it possible to have the event system create and apply a buff/debuff? (For example, if a player enters a zone which is owned by Bob, when a player enters that territory can I have the event block grab the current zone owner's name and apply a buff so it appears like "Bob's Zone" where normal buffs appear? The type of buff being placed would be selected in Bob's zone control area (like a crystal console only he can use or something), so different zones can either put buffs or debuffs on players.)
  2. Hey guys, i tried to make an option on death to return to your spawn point on revive on spot using a 'lost soul' from your inventory. I know common events have a trigger issue as is in beta 4 but i believe that is only with multiple common events and this was my only common event. I set condition as player death trigger as autorun and displayed text and options with restore hp if lost soul was chosen and in inventory. But whenever i die i auto spawn and no event is triggered. Is there a way to turn off autorespawn , am i doing something wrong or is this bugged?
  3. Okie dokie, so I've been playing with the 4.1 system for awhile since I'm curious on how I would go about making a Graveyard or Respawn system in a similar way that World of Warcraft, or almost any other MMO for that matter. I've played with some events and added upon death factors, but I can't seem to get the graveyard to work in the correct way, with the player then being respawned at the global class spawn location. Does anyone have or know of a system or way to implement something along these lines?
  4. Hello. Is it possible to make Death message after you die? If so, then how can i do it?
  5. Please guys, i need to do an event when Player die's in game to teleport him to other map (not the first spawn map)...I tried open common event put "on respawn'' trigger and "conditional branch, players death" if > warp player, else > warp player... any idea? Printscreen:
  6. Hi!, My name is Carlos and I am developing an MMORPG game. Someone knows how it can be done when a player death drop the inventory?. Thanks
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