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Custom sprite/paperdoll size?





I'm trying to conform some assets i've gotten ahold of to what the intersect engine uses. Particularly when it comes to entity animations, how do we know/set how big the spritesheets they use need to be? And can we change the entity size itself?

for example, the art i'm using is 64x64, but even if I make a 4x4 grid of the movement animations evenly spaced (like a search told me should work), I get funky animations that seem to indicate the engine is trying to use 32x48 still.

Edit: It seems like it was picking up blank space too much or something, because 48x48 seems to work fine. It'll be a terrible pain to manipulate these sheets to get them to spit out frames 48x48 as expected, but the entity itself fits into 48x48, it's just formatted at 64x64... not sure if there's an easier way that someone knows of.


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Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, but here is my understanding of it.

As Cheshire says, any size will work, but there are some caveats.

Sprites are divided into equal slices based on the number of frames in the config file. Like if you have 4, which is default, then it will slice that vertically. Most sprites are for RPGmaker and use a 3 column layout, but intersect uses 4. So you have  1 2 3 on rpgm intersect uses 1213 so the 3rd column is shifted to the right and the first is duplicated. The "1" is the center or stand frame.

So the size doesn't matter because it can be a 16x16 or a 256x329, it will still just divide by 4 or whatever is in the config.

I hope that makes sense, I'm kind of distracted.


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I'm not sure why my first attempt didn't work; I had 64x64 sprites in a 4x4 frame (mimicked the format spritesheet default with Intersect).

In trying to solve my first problem above, I stumbled upon the config to set the # of frames, and learned about the entity animations - so it ended up being a blessing in disguise that it didn't work for me for some reason! 

I've got it all squared away now; thank you both!

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