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Problem with Skill Flow



So I had recently had time to mess with Intersect once more and figured it to be a fun idea to try and mess with certain aspects of the Common Events, The Resource Editor an, with the Variables for Skill making. So far I have made A item that keeps track of Your Current Level in said skill an the EXP of that skill. (Hoping to figure out how to work in it showing your "Till Next Level EXP" as well) However I seem to have run into a bit of an issue with The Logic/Flow during my dabbling and am hoping someone may have an idea or solution to this. So here is what is going down.



*At first, the Resource I have works perfectly fine. It does well keeping track of everything smoothly up to the Point that I reach my first Level.



After This point For every fish I manage an don't manage to catch It seems to gain a Level sometimes without the experience added due to Not really catching anything at all.



As you can see i have Eight fish in my bag but they are only 5 EXP a piece and for test reasons the first level only needs 20 exp or Four Fish to reach the fishing level of 2. The next level I set was only 45 exp for Level 3 but as you can see i have gained a level for each fish after the first time the skill had leveled.

So hopefully you can get a idea of what I am trying to do and what is going on. 



Here is The Common Event I have set up that is also hooked into the Resource Editor. 

If anyone can See what is wrong here and how to fix it or make it better Please Help me.

Thank you greatly and hope to hear back from anyone soon.



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Seems like you give a level every time the exp reaches a certain threshold.


So once fishing exp is above 20, it keeps giving a level when you catch new fish.


You need another player variable to check if they are already level 2, or better yet, display the level based on experience instead of working with levels in the backend

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On 10/17/2019 at 12:08 AM, Dashplant said:

Seems like you give a level every time the exp reaches a certain threshold.


So once fishing exp is above 20, it keeps giving a level when you catch new fish.


You need another player variable to check if they are already level 2, or better yet, display the level based on experience instead of working with levels in the backend


Okay, so went in and fixed it by having the variables 'Set' instead of 'Add' so It sets the Level when the exp is reached. (Greater or equal too)  At this point its showing the levels perfectly fine in the Journal but, would like the message that pops up (Congrats you have advanced a level in your fishing!) to stop re-popping up after every single fish that is caught an need it to only pop up when a certain Exp threshold is reached. I have tried to set switches and have tried to Exit Event Process but it doesn't seem to be working.

Any suggestions Dash or anyone?

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If you can copy the full text, I can happily check it and see where the problem is but so far i gues you have an issue with the "Greater than" since everytime you get a fish, it will trigger the message since it will still be greater than the exp threshhold.


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22 hours ago, Shyy said:


Okay, so went in and fixed it by having the variables 'Set' instead of 'Add' so It sets the Level when the exp is reached. (Greater or equal too)  At this point its showing the levels perfectly fine in the Journal but, would like the message that pops up (Congrats you have advanced a level in your fishing!) to stop re-popping up after every single fish that is caught an need it to only pop up when a certain Exp threshold is reached. I have tried to set switches and have tried to Exit Event Process but it doesn't seem to be working.

Any suggestions Dash or anyone?


No, you need a NEW variable and then conditional branches to only display the level up prompt once.


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I can, but the event system is ill-suited for what you are trying to achieve. You will have to make n conditional branches for n levels.






Fishing Event:

FishingExp +50

If FishingLevel <2

    If FishingExp => 300

        Add FishingLevel +1

        Show text: You gained a fishing level. Your fishing level is now \pv {fishinglevel}


If FishingLevel <3

    IfFishingExp=> 600

        Add FishingLevel +1


etc etc etc etc. 


This should work. Haven't got the editor open to test. 


However, as you can see. You need a stupid amount of conditional branches, so I would suggest to keep the levels to something like: Beginner, Decent, Expert, Master (Or something like that). 



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The way I did my skill system was very similar to this, but I also had a TNL variable. This way you can track the Til Next Level:



Skill Level

Skill EXP

Skill TNL



If Skill Level = 1 Then TNL = 20 (20 exp needed to level 2)

If Skill Level = 2 Then TNL = 40 (40 exp needed to level 3)


So you add a condition for each level that you want to player to achieve and have the above logic.


Level Up:

If EXP => TNL then add +1 to level and remove exp that was required for that level from TNL (TNL - Skill EXP (so if TNL was 20, and player had 25 skill exp he/she would then have 5 skill exp left))


Hope this Helps. I was planning on making a full tutorial on this, just not had time lately.

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