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Doug last won the day on January 28 2017

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About Doug

  • Birthday 03/29/1994

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    Pokemon < Not Named Yet >
  • Interests
    Working on a Pokemon Project...

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  • My Project
    Dragonball Z: Resurrection Online

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  1. okima

    hello is dbz online resurrection still running or is it on develop atm for a new version or somthing??

    1. Doug


      DBZRO is currently shut down due to it being developed in a vb6 engine. But we've no idea if we start it back up.

  2. @jcsniderAh Jc, Can intersect event system do this by chance or a alternative route?
  3. @Eridonis Best way I can suggest this, is guess the time it take for them to almost/kill the npc with a wait timer. Edited: You set a Timer to allow another npc to spawn/repeatedly. Convert MS into Real time if you don't know exact MS required. You also can do a Scroll to summon a NPC right after that one. You/players can activate the scroll to summon an NPC. There's a lot of ways. Just gotta think and be creative.
  4. Goto HpBar Label inside of playerbox.json, and Set all Numbers on bond to 0. -Friend Told me.
  5. How do I remove the Numbers out of the HP and MP? I did what I need to transparent the background from the playerbox.json location in laying/game folder within inside the gui folder. But what line do I need to delete or disable to disable the numbers ?
  6. @Damien666Hes gonna add a Translator to Help N/A Players with playing. I'm Also working on a Similar Project. But we're doing two complete different develops.
  7. I'm make a Command, and players will be-able to type the command and once the claim it, they be stopped from spamming the command on claims. Whenever I release another item to everyone they be-able to do the command again and claim the item. /claim for Example, and I change the gifts overtime, and im also do this for Event Gifts and etc. Thank you guys for helping me big time!
  8. Press Insert while in-game as a admin, Type the Player Name, and Click on kick or ban. Or go through the server and type the name you wanna kick or ban. Easiest is pressing insert and going that route I suggest. @Ruby
  9. @defaultxOH YEAHHHH A EVENT NPC! But how to refresh the event when I make a new event? To avoid it infinity rotating back to 0, Do I keep adding pages on or ?
  10. I was wondering how to make a command that gives items to all players on the server by typing the command in common event. Example: /giftallsword How would I setup my Common Command to gift all the sword by typing that command.
  11. It's ok, I code it in later by fulling around with the coding methods. Thank you big time btw @Joyce And not sure if you know, but Intersect has a sick Attendance System for Daily Logins!
  12. @joyce How can I select the animation for Critical when it pops up that you hit a Crit? Edit: I setup my Levelup sound perfectly, and works amazing! But I just need critical sound thats it, and i'm do for coding or editing the source, or if I can simply make the sound in the editor some how that be amazing!
  13. I edited it - Answer is Above for anyone else needing help with resetting up password reset email to your custom.
  14. I'm trying to edit this code: https://ibb.co/TrJPpgG I wanna simply code PlaySound: [Sound Name] Everytime a Critical Hit is done it make the sound I want. Anyone can help me with the simple code add? -Server Side.
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