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  1. Voce coloca a sua animação na pasta do cliente na parte de animação vai no editor procurar a opção de animação e vai dividindo a imagem pela quantidade de repetições que tem a imagem depois ajusta a velocidade em ms e pronto salva
  2. I'm trying to use some songs from Assassin's creed. Is it illegal?
  3. How to play in the browser? Or how to edit the server by Unity?
  4. tekadon


    Does anyone have the fog of rain? Or the rain fall to add to the fog paste?
  5. Can anyone tell me when it will be beta 4?
  6. Resolved, after I put the Portuguese translation of the game much improved. You can close and thank your patience.
  7. When I do the translation the words are meaningless Would you have photos?
  8. How do I do this friend? I'm trying without success.
  9. It looks like the engine does not have a place for bows. It has for shield, armor, pants, boots. So you can not create only projectile arcs (arrow) Should have a place to equip the bow and arrow that will be used How is it in the picture http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/tibia/images/4/4e/FlashInventory.png/revision/latest?cb=20120627005154&path-prefix=en
  10. What kind will the bow be in the area of creating items? How to make the ammo pick up in the bow? I'm trying and nothing.
  11. How to create an arch that uses a type of ammunition? I searched the area to create items and did not find
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