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A few questions about Intersect (skills, no-classes, C# development, etc...)





I came across you engine a while  back and have been following its development for sometime. Have to say you've done an amazing job so far, I am strongly leaning towards the engine more than the other options in front of me for what I want to do.

However, since there aren't any tutorials around,I am trying to figure things as I go. This resulted in a few questions coming up as I use the engine:


1- Are we able to customize the UI? Is that an upcoming feature or something that is currently integrated (the patch notes said there was a UI redesign done and more to come so I am unsure of the correct status)?


2- How can we edit the size of the window? UI sizes, etc...?


3- There is a problem where the player spawns by default at the top left of the screen (I am guessing that is 0, 0 position) and the player is directly behind the HP/MP UI and you can't see him, is there a way to have the "camera" center on the player?


4- I come from Unity and I have learned to use C# to make a few small games in it. I am not the best coder (or a good one even) but since the engine is made using Monogame (and I believe Unity is based on that too), would I be able to use coding for doing specific tasks?


5- I am trying to create a classless system with weapon based skill system. For example if you use a sword you can access sword based abilities, if you use a shield you would access shield based abilities. However, if you equip both you can choose from both skill lines. When player switch between classes, does he still keep the spells he learned from a previous classes? If not, how can that be achieved? I have also thought about abandoning the class system entirely and make all skills spells and spells would require the weapon and a certain level in that specific skill line. Each "skill level" is a common event to activate that skill level spells but it feels too messy. Is there another way to do it? Or is that the only way?


Thank you very much in advance!

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6 answers to this question

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1. You can only customize the UI right now to the extent of replacing the images used to compose it. Once the source is released you will be able to modify it with very little C# knowledge.


2. (See #1)


3. You can change the players spawn location in the Class Editor.  The camera does center on the player by default when possible, however it does respect world boundaries. If you add maps to the left or top of the spawn map the player would then be centered.


4. Absolutely. Even a little bit of C# knowledge will go a long way once the source is released.


5. Best way would be to custom code it. Again, a little C# will go a long way once we release the source and start supporting it. Currently when you switch classes, spells from the previous class are kept. That being said you could use common events to facilitate the transfer between classes and removing/adding different spells if you wish.

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Ummmmmm half in half? My first tileset is scaled up for testing purposes but it shouldn't be. Everything is set for 32x32 pixel tiles. (Granted 48x48 will work if you edit the server config.xml)


As for collisions it's super simple, just open the attributes tab, click the blocked attribute and go to town. The red blocks with "B" in them are blocked and your players will not be able to walk there.



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First, thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions!


2- So the resolution of the game is tied with the UI changes? (I realized my question might be confusing with just saying "window"). 


4- Glad to hear that, may I ask when will the source be released? If no specific date, where is it in the roadmap?


5- Well that is actually great news, I think that simplifies things a lot and I believe as you mentioned with common events that should be OK as a start.


One more question if I may:


I believe if I want to use custom tiles, changing the tiles currently available in the "tileset" folder in the resources would reflect in the editor. If I am not mistaken, do they follow the same ruleset as RPG Maker? For example, to use Autotiling the sprites per tilesheet should be put in a specific order and made in a specific way, correct? Does Intersect have the same limitation of which sprite/object is placed on which layer as in RPG Maker? Or can I put any tile on any layer without fear?




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2. No, you can change the resolution from within the client. In game there is an options button (top right on the main menu, bottom right in-game)


4. Mid beta or at the initial release. I love the idea of a roadmap. Tonight (most likely tomorrow XD) I am going to make a big topic outlining what all needs to be done to reach beta and the eventual release. No ETA at this time but we are getting close.


Extra Answer:

No, Intersect does not have that limitation. You place tiles anywhere, on any layer but you also end up setting your own collision blocks :P. Unlike RPG Maker, autotiles are expected to be put on tilesheets like everything else. The engine knows how big autotiles should be, so when you use the autotile option you just select the source area you want to use. I'm attaching a video below that walks though placing normal auto tiles, animated autotiles (to show how the engine knows what size to select), and normal tile placement.


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2- Gotcha, that helps a lot with the UI problem since it provides more view that way. 


4- Glad to see you are going to make a Roadmap. Just as a suggestion, you could put it up on Trello if you so wish and people can access it as viewers only (I have seen it done once before). 


As for the tiles and layers. I am used to setting up collisions manually when I used TilED with Unity. Stupid question however, how do I setup collisions in Intersect?


That video is great, thank you very much! Explains everything perfectly! I am guessing all these tiles are 48x48? Or is the default 32x32?

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