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Epoch Time 2 - Event Limit

Weylon Santana


The event has a limit of 10 characters [1,000,000,000] The server unix time has 13 characters.
How do I make a start event on a defined date?


For example the time now is 1548704294020
I want to start the event at 1548705600000


The intersect does not allow for more characters, how can I manipulate time?

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If you wanting to do some sort of in game event / reward system using the epoch time reference in intersect wont it be easy to do it this way [was thinking of doing my event trigger system like this. Not tested yet tho]:

  1. Create a Global Variable call it "Time"
  2. Create a common event that "Autoruns" and call it "TimeMS"
  3. Have common event "TimeMS" Set Variable "Time" to "System Time [ms]"
  4. Create a new common event and call it "Event 1" have it also "Autorun"
  5. Have a Conditional Branch "in "Event1" and set Global Variable is..." Global Variable "Time" "Equal To" "Static value" and on the Static value set the epoch time you want event to happen.

That above should do the trick in starting an event or what ever you want to start at a set time you put in common event (event1). I can make a tutorial on this if people are interested in this and don't understand the above and I have tested it properly.


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2 hours ago, Weylon Santana said:

The event has a limit of 10 characters [1,000,000,000] The server unix time has 13 characters.
How do I make a start event on a defined date?


For example the time now is 1548704294020
I want to start the event at 1548705600000


The intersect does not allow for more characters, how can I manipulate time?


The field is set to 10 character length. Only way to change this is to wait for source or submit a request for the field char length to be extended.

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58 minutes ago, Ainz Ooal Gown said:

If you wanting to do some sort of in game event / reward system using the epoch time reference in intersect wont it be easy to do it this way [was thinking of doing my event trigger system like this. Not tested yet tho]:

  1. Create a Global Variable call it "Time"
  2. Create a common event that "Autoruns" and call it "TimeMS"
  3. Have common event "TimeMS" Set Variable "Time" to "System Time [ms]"
  4. Create a new common event and call it "Event 1" have it also "Autorun"
  5. Have a Conditional Branch "in "Event1" and set Global Variable is..." Global Variable "Time" "Equal To" "Static value" and on the Static value set the epoch time you want event to happen.

That above should do the trick in starting an event or what ever you want to start at a set time you put in common event (event1). I can make a tutorial on this if people are interested in this and don't understand the above and I have tested it properly.


I thought the same thing. I even turned chat into the game as a debug log for me, to monitor some things in real time.
But it's like I mentioned above, you can not by that conditional branching because the Intersect supports only 10 digits [1,000,000,000] That's the maximum value.
The Unix Time that the intersect uses has 13 digits, ie this value [1,000,000,000] is less than the current time of the intersect meter. You can not by a current date. Much less in ms as the intersect interprets. His idea however is flawed.

Summary - If you want to by in the conditional branch the static value of the current time in ms 1548716527488 you will not be able to.

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@Ainz Ooal Gown


I was checking things out here, and some crazy theories I had, and I saw that your idea is right. It works like this.


In the SET VARIABLE in event editor, you have the limit I mentioned above, but the CONDITIONAL BRANCH in event editor allows you to pass this limit of characters. So I can use the conditional branch to check a current date and when the event to start and from the moment the event starts itself starts in an auto loop to run every certain amount of time [hourly, day].

What I can not do is set a variable above that value. But I can check through conditional Branch

Thank you very much.

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9 hours ago, Weylon Santana said:


@Ainz Ooal Gown


I was checking things out here, and some crazy theories I had, and I saw that your idea is right. It works like this.


In the SET VARIABLE in event editor, you have the limit I mentioned above, but the CONDITIONAL BRANCH in event editor allows you to pass this limit of characters. So I can use the conditional branch to check a current date and when the event to start and from the moment the event starts itself starts in an auto loop to run every certain amount of time [hourly, day].

What I can not do is set a variable above that value. But I can check through conditional Branch

Thank you very much.


No problem mate :)

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