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Linked Server with Website



Hello! I wanted to have some enlightment on this subject. I wanted to make users that register on my site, to be registered in-game with the same info, and to enable a shop that automatically changes the server's database like  items levels or even membership. I can always edit the database using Navicat or MySQL but how to do it automatically? I've seen posts similar to this but nothing that actually helped explain.Thanks :)))))

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12 minutes ago, jcsnider said:

It's not really possible at this time....

Alright, so it will be possible? And about memberships, that might sound silly.. but let's say you pay for member, the site unlocks a certain page, could the engine check if that page is unlocked or not? Or something similar lol that makes communication. Or as u said gotta wait also?

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When they get the membership the server would set a player switch to true.. and set it to false when the membership expires.


In game all you would need are events to check that switch and then it could show/hide stuff based on its value. Pretty simple.


(And of course, all of this can get insanely more robust and complex once the source code is available)

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2 hours ago, jcsnider said:

When they get the membership the server would set a player switch to true.. and set it to false when the membership expires.

That actually 'sounds' so much simpler :2_grimacing: is it possible at this time or when source is out?


Edit: Just realised you still need to make communication with the server, maybe make some sort of shop in-game if possible?

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