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Cougar Town

Beefy Kasplant

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Alright. Hear me out. I know what you're all thinking, Cougar Town is some sort of Desperate Housewives load of horse manure (Recently read One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest). But trust me, it's not.

It's the perfect show to watch with your girlfriend/wive/side bitch. You can pretend you're watching this for her and score some kudo's, but IN REALITY(!!), you're going to enjoy the everloving shit out of this show.

Courtney Cox is still one sexy fox and the show is hilarious. All characters are extremely relatable if you're a do nothing bitch like me.

This show is perfect to watch while you're nursing a hangover or trying to hide from responsibilities and life.

Overall I rate it a 'better than expected'/10.

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