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Few Questions



Im Learning more and more as I make small games with intersect engine. But I have come to a halt on some things that I would like to ask help with. If anyone can turn me in the correct direction would be awesome! I do know that some of this may need to be coded, so if that is the case just put "Needs to be coded" so I know I can pay someone to make it for me or try myself. 


1) How do you reset/see/change a players password?

2) How do you reset a player "so they start off fresh"

3) Is there a way to remove an item from a player inventory/item slot if a player happens to get ahold of something I want to remove?

4) How do I add click movement besides W,A,S,D? so I click with the mouse and the character moves to that tile. 

5) Is there a way to add turn based combat? Like "Runescape"? so player hits then monster hits, back and fourth. 


Thank you again! 

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Hello !

1) How do you reset/see/change a players password?
From the version 7.x reset password is available in client but it's possible with API


3) Is there a way to remove an item from a player inventory/item slot if a player happens to get ahold of something I want to remove?

I think event system is better for this point.


4) How do I add click movement besides W,A,S,D? so I click with the mouse and the character moves to that tile. 
Now no, but with source modification maybe


5) Is there a way to add turn based combat? Like "Runescape"? so player hits then monster hits, back and fourth. 
With big modification in source maybe yes

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2) How do you reset a player "so they start off fresh"

playerdata.db in <path>/server/resources
Use an editor like dbbrowser or something and delete the character or just edit the values that you need.

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