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Need help with sqlite-net-pcl query


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I'm developing a little desktop application in c# using sqlite-net-pcl NuGet package to manage a little sqlite database. Everything works well but I can't use a siple 'and' operator in the querys. I've tried this 2 ways:


conexion.Query<Participacion>($"select * from Participacion where idtorneo = {participacion.IDTorneo} and identrenador = {participacion.IDEntrenador}").FirstOrDefault();
conexion.Table<Participacion>().Where(c => c.IDTorneo == participacion.IDTorneo && c.IDEntrenador == participacion.IDEntrenador).FirstOrDefault();

They don't work, they always return the first data where c.IDTorneo ==participacion.IDTorneo, it doesn't matter if the c.IDEntrenador matches with the participacion.IDEntrenador or not. Can you help me?


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