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Addding monsters to my game and making store


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@Jarick how to access shop just to once for all close your questions here

1. Game Editors 2. Shop Maker 3. New shop make your shop here SAAAVEEEEEEE have fun

How to add shop: 1. Events 2. Place Event 3 double click with left mouse button and choose open shop it's on the bottom, pick your shop from drop-list, and then safe. Enjoy.

Adding NPC monsters is just as easy 1 game editors - 2 npc creator 3 - add new npc and set up ur npc, 4 pick ur npc in the NPC in on the map menu, 5 choose some settings, 6 pick currently placed NPC, 7 - place it on map ((This is not the same process to create NPC's that react to ur stuff and can do more stuff, those NPC are events with set visual and move route, but not asked here, so not explaining that))

Aaaand, this is laziest guide i did but it almost feels bad to spend more time on it, free to use everyone if anyone will ask again :D


@Gibier thanks for like, just added NPC part too <3

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