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call character value to Formulas.cs & Entity.cs ???



in this code. How to add my stats (armor penetration, dodge) to  random conditions like this


this code in Entity.cs (https://github.com/AscensionGameDev/Intersect-Engine/blob/main/Intersect.Server/Entities/Entity.cs)

   if (Randomization.Next(1, 101) > critChance)
                critMultiplier = 1;
                 //when random is not Crit. critMultiplier *1 

                PacketSender.SendActionMsg(enemy, Strings.Combat.critical, CustomColors.Combat.Critical);
                  //when random is Crit. critMultiplier *2 and show text  

"critMultipler" from Formulas.cs (https://github.com/AscensionGameDev/Intersect-Engine/blob/main/Intersect.Server/General/Formulas.cs)

public static int CalculateDamage(
            int baseDamage,
            DamageType damageType,
            Stats scalingStat,
            int scaling,
            double critMultiplier,
            Entity attacker,
            Entity victim

pls help me. thanks you


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