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Concept Tales of Riganthir


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Using Intersect Engine




Storyline: 50%

A war that had raged between humans and demons for a 150 years was finally over.

The four Kings, Rilnor, Gantel, Nintee and Thir finally rallied all of their Knights, Paladins, Mages and Monk's to slay the Demon King

Together they reclaimed the four continents that had flourished so many years ago. 

After meeting for several weeks to discuss the future of the continents, they finally agreed to give one to each King.

Together they put an initial to each of their continents and they would forever call their new world Riganthir.



To be honest, my imagination is horrible. I am amazed if this ever sees the day of light. And i am the only dev for now!



Map status: 5%


Class status: 100%


Spell status: 15%


Item status: 5%


Gear status: 10%




The Knight, a solid tank to have in your group to help bring down the toughest types of enemies.



The monk with their heals and stat buffs will make sure that your group is strong and healthy at all times


Paladin is a hybrid between Tank and Monk, they have minor heals at the same time as they use 2-handed weapons. However, they dont have buffs.


The Mage is what you always want in your group, his heavy dps and ability to move while doing so makes it the most viable class in game.


Of course there will be tweaks and nerfs as we go along with each class.










So this is what i have to show for now, hope it lures out some interest :)




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Hello !

I don't wanna be a dream breaker or killjoy but,


It's seems really really generic as story and gameplay, what's special in your universe? Is there a game design idea that would make us wanna play or it is a carbon copy of a ultra classic speech saw again and again?

If you need more idea to make your game original and appealing you can use these:




Etc ...


It can help you having a better baseline for your game.

Hope it help you !

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