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Java Steps to create a program with Eclipse


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Eclipse is a professional IDE, which at first may seem complex development of our first programs.

All Eclipse program requires the creation of a "project", for this we must select from the menu of options:


Or from the toolbar of the Eclipse:


Now, the dialogue where we define our project name appears:


In the text field "Project Name" we enter as name: Project1 and leave all other options dialogue with the defaults. Click the "Finish" button.

Now in the window "Package" the project we've just created appears:


As a second step we will see that every Java program requires at least one class. To create a class we select from the menu of options:


Or from the toolbar of the Eclipse:


In the dialog that appears we must define the class name (in our first example we will call the class as Class1, then see that it is important to define a name that represents the goal of it), the other data of the dialogue we left with the default values:


After pressing the "Finish" button we have the file where we can code our first program:


Later we will see the files created in a project, now devote ourselves to encode our first program. In the editing window already we have the skeleton of a Java class that the Eclipse environment we created automatically.

public class Class1 {


All Java program should define the main function. This function must encode in the class, "Class1".

We proceed to type the following:

public class Class1 {

    public static void main(String[] parameter) {

        System.out.println("Hello World");



That is we have encoded in the Eclipse IDE our first program:


As a last step we have to compile and run the program, this can be done from the menu of options:


Or from the toolbar of the Eclipse:


Unless there are coding errors, we'll see the result of running in a window of Eclipse called "Console" that appears at the bottom:


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