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Click on drawn text.


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Yay, the first 10 consecutive posts in a forum I should get a brownie, or a shirt :P

When I draw this text to the screen, how on earth do I select the index of it so that I can bring up the info panel?  I need to get it by the index or name because this list will be scrollable >100 quests.

Public Sub DrawQuestLogWindow()
        If Not InGame Then Exit Sub

        QuestLogWindow.DrawControl(GameWindow, (frmMainGame.GameScreen.Width - QuestLogWindow.ControlLocation.Width) - ScreenPadding, (frmMainGame.GameScreen.Height - QuestLogWindow.ControlLocation.Height) - ScreenPadding)
        QuestItemWindow.DrawControl(GameWindow, QuestLogWindow.ControlLocation.X + 20, QuestLogWindow.ControlLocation.Y + 20)
        Dim newLinePos As Integer = QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.Y + QuestItemWindow.Location.Y + 2
        For i = 1 To QuestCount

            DrawText(QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.X + 2, newLinePos, QuestList(i), SFML.Graphics.Color.Black, SfmlChatFont, FONT_CHAT_SIZE, GameWindow)
            newLinePos += ChatLineSpacing

        QuestInfoButton.DrawControl(GameWindow, (QuestLogWindow.ControlLocation.X + (QuestLogWindow.ControlLocation.Width / 2)) - QuestInfoButton.ControlLocation.Width / 2, (QuestLogWindow.ControlLocation.Y + QuestLogWindow.ControlLocation.Height) - (QuestInfoButton.ControlLocation.Height) - WindowPadding)
        QuestLogDownButton.DrawControl(GameWindow, QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.X + QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.Width + 10, (QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.Y + QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.Height) - QuestLogDownButton.ControlLocation.Height)
        QuestLogUpButton.DrawControl(GameWindow, QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.X + QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.Width + 10, QuestLogWindow.ControlLocation.Y + 20)

    End Sub


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Divide your quests into pages.

Say that you can have 10 quests per page (per scroll) and 100 quests total. You will have to start using a PageIndex variable.

For example, PageIndex = 0 would mean the first page.

The math to show 10 quests per page would look like this

Dim newLinePos As Integer = QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.Y + QuestItemWindow.Location.Y + 2
dim y = 0 'This is the position in the list you are drawing
For i = PageIndex * 10 + 1 to PageIndex * 10 + 1 + 10
   DrawText(QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.X + 2, newLinePos + y * ChatLineSpacing, QuestList(i), SFML.Graphics.Color.Black, SfmlChatFont, FONT_CHAT_SIZE, GameWindow)
   y = y + 1

Later on you check in your QuestItemWindow mouse events.

You do something like this.

Dim newLinePos As Integer = QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.Y + QuestItemWindow.Location.Y + 2
dim y = 0 'This is the position in the list you are drawing
For i = PageIndex * 10 + 1 to PageIndex * 10 + 1 + 10
   if (MouseX >= QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.X + 1 and MouseX <= QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.X + 1 + QUESTITEMWINDOWWIDTH) then
       if (MouseY >= newLinePos + y * ChatLineSpacing and MouseY <= newLinePos + y * ChatLineSpacing + ChatLineSpacing) then
               'Clicked on quest number i do stuff and then exit sub
        end if
   end if
   y = y + 1

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I have had to modify things slightly to only show 10 quests instead of 11 with a (9).  At the bottom I am doing this in the mouse up event:

For i = PageIndex * 10 + 1 To PageIndex * 10 + 1 + 9

            If QuestListButton1.ControlLocation.Contains(e.Location) Then
                QuestListButton1.MouseIsOver = False
                ' Display info window
                ' #HERE
                AskQuest(Quest(i).Name, Quest(i).QuestDesc, "", "", True)
                ' AskQuest(ByVal qName As String, ByVal qText As String, ByVal qAcceptText As String, ByVal qDeclineText As String, Optional ByVal qNew As Boolean = True)
            End If

...more button codes...

Which is supposed to replace:

Dim newLinePos As Integer = QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.Y + QuestItemWindow.Location.Y + 2
dim y = 0 'This is the position in the list you are drawing
For i = PageIndex * 10 + 1 to PageIndex * 10 + 1 + 10
   if (MouseX >= QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.X + 1 and MouseX <= QuestItemWindow.ControlLocation.X + 1 + QUESTITEMWINDOWWIDTH) then
       if (MouseY >= newLinePos + y * ChatLineSpacing and MouseY <= newLinePos + y * ChatLineSpacing + ChatLineSpacing) then
               'Clicked on quest number i do stuff and then exit sub
        end if
   end if
   y = y + 1

At the top I have declared PageIndex As Integer = 0.  So right now when I click on one of the buttons I have added as a backing to the text it will display the info panel but it is not displaying the name or the text.  I have copied the code that I am using for when the quest is given and only changed the name, pretty much identical code.

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In my abandon mouse up event I am doing this:

For i = PageIndex * 10 + 1 To PageIndex * 10 + 1 + 9

                InInfoQuest = False
                PlayerHandleQuest((i), 2)
                'Exit For


I am trying to send the selected quest index to the server to remove the quest log item from the list, but I am pulling null exceptions.  Other ways we have tried it always says that quest 1 has been cancelled each time, but that remains in the list as well as the one we are trying to delete.

We needz help.

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