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Everything posted by Sykonetic

  1. It use to be very simple to make an NPC become a guard so that players cannot attack it and you can attach things to it like merchant and quests. My question is; Is that simple option gone and do I have to make a condition so it doesn't get attacked or am I over looking something here?
  2. I haven't done much of anything at all.. ill just remove everything and start over.
  3. This is the log. I dont quite understand it.
  4. When i double click to run the server it just opens up really quickly and then closes. Is there a reason behind it? It was working before and all of a sudden it stopped. ' Ok guess it is happening again.. whats going on?
  5. So you no longer can make it interactive to "attacks". Have the chat box appear that way?
  6. Sorry if the title is a little vague.. didn't know how to word it.. I remember there being an option to setting a NPC to guard/quest giver/ etc.. I dont see that option any longer. How can I make my NPC's "safe" or a quest giver?
  7. Whenever I try to launch the intersect server I get this error. 2018-12-14 15:42:05.583 [Error] Received unhandled exception from . 2018-12-14 15:42:05.583 [Error] Received unhandled exception from . 2018-12-14 15:42:05.606 [Error] Message: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted 2018-12-14 15:42:05.606 [Error] Message: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted 2018-12-14 15:42:05.608 [Error] Stack Trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoBind(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind(EndPoint localEP) at Lidgren.Network.NetPeer.BindSocket(Boolean reBind) in C:\Users\JC Snider\Documents\GitHub\lidgren-network-gen3\Lidgren.Network\NetPeer.Internal.cs:line 130 at Lidgren.Network.NetPeer.InitializeNetwork() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Documents\GitHub\lidgren-network-gen3\Lidgren.Network\NetPeer.Internal.cs:line 170 at Lidgren.Network.NetPeer.Start() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Documents\GitHub\lidgren-network-gen3\Lidgren.Network\NetPeer.cs:line 153 at Intersect.Network.LidgrenInterface.Start() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Network\LidgrenInterface.cs:line 139 at Intersect.Network.AbstractNetwork.<>c.<StartInterfaces>b__48_0(INetworkLayerInterface networkLayerInterface) in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect (Core)\Network\AbstractNetwork.cs:line 243 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action) at Intersect.Network.AbstractNetwork.StartInterfaces() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect (Core)\Network\AbstractNetwork.cs:line 243 at Intersect.Server.Networking.Lidgren.ServerNetwork.Listen() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Server\Classes\Networking\Lidgren\ServerNetwork.cs:line 37 at Intersect.Server.ServerStart.Start(String[] args) in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Server\Classes\Core\ServerStart.cs:line 107 2018-12-14 15:42:05.608 [Error] Stack Trace: at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoBind(EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress) at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind(EndPoint localEP) at Lidgren.Network.NetPeer.BindSocket(Boolean reBind) in C:\Users\JC Snider\Documents\GitHub\lidgren-network-gen3\Lidgren.Network\NetPeer.Internal.cs:line 130 at Lidgren.Network.NetPeer.InitializeNetwork() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Documents\GitHub\lidgren-network-gen3\Lidgren.Network\NetPeer.Internal.cs:line 170 at Lidgren.Network.NetPeer.Start() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Documents\GitHub\lidgren-network-gen3\Lidgren.Network\NetPeer.cs:line 153 at Intersect.Network.LidgrenInterface.Start() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Network\LidgrenInterface.cs:line 139 at Intersect.Network.AbstractNetwork.<>c.<StartInterfaces>b__48_0(INetworkLayerInterface networkLayerInterface) in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect (Core)\Network\AbstractNetwork.cs:line 243 at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action) at Intersect.Network.AbstractNetwork.StartInterfaces() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect (Core)\Network\AbstractNetwork.cs:line 243 at Intersect.Server.Networking.Lidgren.ServerNetwork.Listen() in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Server\Classes\Networking\Lidgren\ServerNetwork.cs:line 37 at Intersect.Server.ServerStart.Start(String[] args) in C:\Users\JC Snider\Desktop\AGD\Intersect-Engine\Intersect.Server\Classes\Core\ServerStart.cs:line 107 2018-12-14 15:42:05.615 [Error] Time: 12/14/2018 3:42:05 PM 2018-12-14 15:42:05.615 [Error] Time: 12/14/2018 3:42:05 PM What's going on here?
  8. Well its very hard to explain the game. The game just requires help honestly and like an honest review from people who have not played the game. The reason I didn't explain anything about it, is because I'd like you to enter the game with a very fresh mind. Nothing at all to give you "expectations". If you play it for like 1-3 days. I'd like you to post about it on forums and give an honest review. I'm an admin on that game and I speak with the owner often. I just want him to see that the game CAN have potential if he just set stuff right and made a team.. Please give it a try. Sounds horrible for me to sound like that. But he has potential,
  9. So the game is called Xenimus. It's developed by ONE guy at the moment and the game has been running for like 19 years or something. The game is not attractive in terms of looks, BUT if you make it past that, you can kinda see there could be potential in this game. This is the website http://xenimus.com/. You can download and log on. Select a server(currently recommend the PvP one becaues its the new one), create an account and test it all out! If you need help. Just tell me. You can also check the forums at http://messageboard.xenimus.com/index.php It also has a discord. https://discord.gg/NSp5atE You can ask me any questions here or there.
  10. I am having an issue with locating where to disable the password from saving. I'd like to be able to get the save account information feature on my computer but when I give the client away it wont save my information for them as well. I know there was a feature for this, but I can't seem to locate it. Thank you.
  11. can you please give me an example? I dont think I quite understand.
  12. Tittle says it all. When I was working on the classes I noticed this. what does this mean and do? Thanks
  13. Whenever I try to add an image to a class im creating it gives this error.
  14. I get this error everytime I try to add a class with an image. Any ideas? https://www.screencast.com/t/5RfUBGoGi
  15. No idea what happened.. but they move now.. I just logged off and on.
  16. Tittle pretty much says it all. When I placed a NPC on the map. They are not moving. I added speed to them but they still dont move. Edit: They are also not taking any sort of damage when i swing at them.
  17. What does this stuff exactly include.. im sorry.. i dont understand.. Are these like maps or something?
  18. Questio #2: There currently isn't a way to adjust stats on one class and it adjust for every person in game right? If not, is this coming in the future?
  19. So if i set the time editor to every 10 mins. whats that really mean?
  20. my day and night toggle doesn't seem to work.. how does the day and night exactly work? Answered.. Thank you.. Question#2 up
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