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Sorry for my english, but why is you character's only limited to picture files and not modles? picture images are a terrible way to use graphics/

As well why do you only set images as they are. Why do you not compact or hide images in there folder so players do edit them?

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It is a 2d engine therefor it uses 2d graphics known as sprites which are just images. Using a model would make the engine a 3d engine. 


Graphic encryption is something you would need to add once the source is out to protect your images.


They might add graphic encryption but I haven't heard anything about it.

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You don't have to use the graphics that come with the engine. People actually prefer if you make your own.


And for your question about using models, you can always get a 3d model to sprite converter. I've used some of these before and they look nice, just have to buy them depending on animations / sprite size.


And I was saying in order to protect your own graphics you will need to wait for the source code to be out so you can make it protect them. Until then anyone can edit the graphics.

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