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Port Selection


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As I was staring deep into my computer screen, something hit me; here it goes.


As this project matures, more and more Intersect gameservers will get ported to the world. I just want to take a brief moment to go over a couple of implications:


port# 4500 is a non-privileged port, meaning that it can be opened by non-root processes.

That being said, it would be impossible to know what is listening on the other side of that port since any guest process could hi-jack it.


When going live with your server, please consider using a privileged port. (port numbers 1024 and below). This way the listening service cannot be hi-jacked without the root password and so your server should "remain at the other end of the line" unless root itself says otherwise.


Also, I would recommend remotely accessing your server via a vpn tunnel so that you can do so via the local network. Porting ssh or vnc is not the proper way to do it.


Best Regards,








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