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  1. Does the c# intersect 2d game engine support non-real time combat? I want the same exact turn-based combat pokemon has. Is this possible with this game engine? Thank you!
  2. The items are dropping on the ground, not in your inventory.
  3. Hello eveyone! I don't want to be pushy or sound unappreciative but when will the next update come out? It is pretty unplayable sice I cant make health potions because the consumable item type is not implemented yet :/
  4. How can I pickup an item that is on the ground?
  5. Hello there! I created an item "Health Potion" and tried to click it and it said this item type has not been implemented yet. Is consumable health potions not implemented yet?!?!?!
  6. Hello! There isnt a way to spawn items in the admin panel??? I need to spawn items in really fast and test everything :c
  7. Hello everyone! I would LOVE to make my own 2D ORPG with the lovely Intersect engine, however, I am not very skilled in the art-department I was wondering if I can pay anyone for making custom graphics for my game I am going to make! I want them to look somewhat similar to this: If you CAN do something like these graphics, please let me know and show me a simple example so I can see if I like the style or not I am willing to pay for the graphics, I literally need EVERYTHING! I would need all entities, tilesets, items, etc. Most important right now are: Tilesets, then Entities, then Items.
  8. Hello everyone! Is there a way that you can protect all your pictures/graphics for the game? I would hate to have someone just simply download the client and go into the "resources" folder and steal them all for themselves.
  9. Yeah okay, thanks for the information! I do see it would be a little more secure to separate them so no one even have the editor to even attempt to hack that. Also, just curious... So is it safe for me to develop everything in my game using Intersect and it will be 100% okay to still be usable/compatible with the later versions of Intersect and even when the source code comes out?? I don't want to have a TON of the game done, and not able to update to later version or update to the open source
  10. But why not just do an if statement checking if the account who is attempting to update/edit content is an "Admin" rights?
  11. Hello there! I've been gone for a long time now from this 2D ORPG development and I think I want to start it back up again! I noticed that Orion and even Intersect now have separate client and editor now?? I would like to understand why you designed it this way? I absolutely LOVED the fact that you could edit the map, add npcs, etc, all while PLAYING THE GAME! Now that is not possible You would have to open another executable(editor) and edit the stuff then save it.
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