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Summoning NPCs with shared experience, Teleport and other suggestions.

Rodrigo Reis


Hello guys


First I want to say that the Intersect Engine is just great. I bought "001 Game Creator", "Pixel Game Maker MV", "RPG Maker MV" but none of them is as intuitive or MMO-ready as Intersect. Its very flexible and customizable and with a little imagination you can do almost anything you can do as if you were programming a game from scratch. I even managed to create a "Summon Animal" skill, where the player can summon a pet to fight for him/her. However, I couldn't find a way to share de experience (xp) acquired by the pet to the player (explaining: the pet kills a monster, then the pet's owner gain the xp). It would be great to add an option like this.

Another simple suggestion: you should add an "warp to mouse position" option to the spells, so we could create a simple teleport. I found a workaround for that using "dash" but thats not perfect. Anyway, I am messing around the engine for 3 days only and i'm really enjoying it. Another suggestion: add a Patreon (or another crowdfunding system) so we can contribute cuz I dont use Paypal.

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