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  1. Perfect! Exactly what we were aiming for. Thank you! Duly noted. Scale designers do indeed love their inter-item correlation figures... And thank you very much, Vus and MCADAMS! Much appreciated.
  2. Thank you very much, jcsnider! Yes, it helps immensely. Sorry about the question dump on one page. I hope it didn't bother you too much. It's fairly quick and easy though, no?
  3. Hello all, My colleagues and I from the Illinois Institute of Technology are conducting a research study to develop a measure of prior videogame experience (PVGE), intended to help develop and use learning games. Currently, we are trying to link situational and dispositional factors with PVGE through an online survey to validate the new scale. Please help us with the research by participating in this brief and confidential survey, approved by the university's institutional review board. The link is provided: https://iitresearchrs.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6qZvi2oTDyXwbYN I would be glad to answer any questions or concerns. Thank you! You guys might have seen a similar post before (asking for input on the taxonomy of games). Please note, this is a new study and survey, created with your prior feedback in mind.
  4. Thanks to all who participated! We've stopped data collection, and gotten a lot of valuable feedback from you guys. Despite the end of data collection, I'd still welcome any questions you may have about the study, or any input you guys have on game taxonomy. Best, Green
  5. That's interesting! Consider that a simulation likely denotes faithful recreation of a realistic experience. Is embodying (i.e. playing the role of) a unicorn a realistic experience that can be simulated? Does classifying such a game as a "simulation" contribute any value or meaning in communication, or does it detract from them? When we say "this unicorn game is a simulation and an RPG," does this mean anything to the person we're communicating with? That's why we classify, right? To convey meaning? If I saw a game classified as an RPG and simulator, I would be confused. I wouldn't know what to expect based on that description.
  6. Hey there! I have a question for you guys: how would you go about classifying a game you developed? I’m a student at the Illinois Institute of Technology and I’m looking for your help. We're running an online research study to develop a measure of game experience, and we're looking for input from game developers on game definitions. I was hoping you would be willing to take part in the study by responding to our 15-minute survey. It's all fully confidential, and I would be more than happy to provide you further details or answer any questions about my research this study on this topic thread. Survey Link: https://iitresearchrs.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5pZK3z7ZkG9AQsZ You may find it surprising (or not, probably not) that academicians haven't figured a "proper" way to classify games, so game developer input is very appreciated. You guys contribute to science. Thank you! Although I would like a response to the survey, I'd also love a discussion on the matter here on the forums! Best, Green
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